Connecting ACA Routes / Re: Westchester County, NY to Boston - Routes?
« on: August 11, 2009, 03:42:13 pm »of Westchester AND you have a bike permit you could "cheat" a bit and take the train up to Pawling then begin your ride from there - when I had lived in Pawling (in the early 90's) I had actualy met some cyclists from NYC who had ridden up to MA from there or Dover Plains - I don't have my maps with me as I write this reply to see how you would ride up to Pawling from eastern Westchester but I have a number of routes in the Harlem Valley - improvements on SR 22 have been made since I had lived there and now I think tech. is a NY state bike route - but I would sugest CR 6 that goes along SR 22 to Dover Plains from WINGDALE - about 5 or so mile north of Pawling - to get to wingdale instead of SR 22 could ride CR 20 then CR 21 EAST (west is a VERY serious up Pleasant Ridge 1200') CR 20 is VERY nice for cycling - actualy the entire Harlem Valley in Dutchess County VERY VERY nice and...
once you make it up to Wassaaic (you could also "cheat" a LOT and take the train ALL the way up to here) then you could ride the Harlem Valley rail trail to Milerton then the Atlantic Coast route into CT and into MA OR... continue NORTH from Milerton and then into MA via the BERKSHIRE MOUNTAINS (take note of latter)
I have a number of day ride routes in the Harlem Valley I don't know if I have provided a link to the klong distance routes described here - my cycling website is still kind of in an embryonic state - the URL: