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Messages - ronnie421

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Gear Talk / Bio Lite Stove...
« on: May 20, 2013, 12:57:57 am »
I just recently discovered, even though it may be a year or two old, a "new" stove called the Bio lite stove. Its "hook" is that it can charge an item via usb port while cooking. The heat inside the cannister converts into energy and allows you to charge a cell phone or similiar item. Anyone have any experience using one? Is it worth the 120 dollars?

Routes / Re: Toll roads in Florida...
« on: December 31, 2012, 07:46:43 pm »
Thank you very much, Jennifer. I will do just that!

Routes / Re: Toll roads in Florida...
« on: December 25, 2012, 12:43:57 pm »
Thanks so much for your help! I didnt know bout the cycling club there. Im sure, if I ask nicely, (LOL) Someone can help me with a way out of the Florida area without too much trouble from the law. I will also be loking up the site you gave. Thanks!

Routes / Toll roads in Florida...
« on: December 23, 2012, 11:52:49 am »
We are planning our x-country tour. We plan to dip our wheels in Melbourne, Florida and cut across to Disney World where we will stay a few days before continuing on to SF, Ca. But there are two (that I know of) toll roads that it looks like we will need to take. One coming into DW and another going out of DW. Does anyone know if bikes are allowed on toll roads in Florida?

General Discussion / Re: "Ranch Roads" in North Texas
« on: April 26, 2012, 10:01:44 pm »
I live in S Tx.  but have traveled the N Tx area pleanty of times and basically, they are all the same... dirty, unpaved, full of rocks (not pebbles... ROCKS) and not a comfortable ride.  I would not punnish my bike on those roads.  Every now and then, you'll find a road that goes off the paved road that seems almost ok, only to find out after 4 or 5 miles that it turned into a nasty, harsh, unpaved road like the one I described.  I  would stay away from them. Good luck.

Routes / Re: When would YOU do this?
« on: January 07, 2012, 09:31:35 pm »
I've lived in South Texas all my life. I am used to running around in 100+ weather. Its the cold that I am trying to avoid. "Cool"...OK. COLD.... Nay Nay.  The western express does sound good. I didnt even know there was such a route. I looked up the distance between Colorado springs and Pueblo. Its about 50 miles or so, about a days ride. I have to go to Colorado Springs to take care of some business, but I was thinking I can ride back down to Pueblo after i finish my business and catch the western express from there. Its only a days ride. I can live with that.

Routes / When would YOU do this?
« on: January 06, 2012, 06:46:27 pm »
I live in South Texas. Corpus Christi, to be exact. WAY down in south Tx. I need to take a trip but my trip will take me north, all the way thru Texas, all the way thru the Texas Pan Handle, straight up to Colorado Springs, Co., then take a sharp turn west, cut thru Utah, Nevada and finaly into California, ending in San Francisco.  What is the best time to avoid extreme heat/cold? A little added info... I prefer to ride in extreme heat than extreme cold. When is the best time for this route? Anyone help? Thanks! Ron

General Discussion / Re: About Colorado....
« on: October 21, 2011, 09:07:07 am »
Thanks for the info.  I am planning my departure from the Disney World resort in Orlando (after a full week visiting Mickey) and heading west towards Colorado then back a little south and finishing in SF, California.

General Discussion / About Colorado....
« on: October 20, 2011, 01:26:30 pm »
Im not sure if this is in the right area or not. I tried looking for my answer in other areas of the forum but no luck.  I am traveiling east to west next  summer, leaving 1st week of June.  I plan to go thru Colorado.  By when should I be out of there? Or what is the latest part of the summer that I can comfortably enter Colorado without hitting cold weather?

Routes / Re: Ok, here's the deal...
« on: September 27, 2011, 10:19:07 pm »
Nope... no offense taken, my Friend.  I been thinking about getting myself one of those super-duper fancy phones with with lots of high tech stuff on it, but I have had my phone for such a long time and NEVER had any problems with it that I hate to move on.  I believe in the saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". My phone is a very simple, make calls, receive calls, period. Its so old that while most people are sending text messages, I can still send telegraphs! LOL.

Routes / Re: Ok, here's the deal...
« on: September 27, 2011, 01:59:58 pm »
I should have done that before I posted this. I got my info from a Motel 6 operator that I spoke to earlier (by phone, while my computer was nowhere near me). I was trying to make a reservation, for a meeting point for me and my partner, somewhere nearest to Long Beach,  NY.  I had no way to physically SEE, with my eyes, a map of the area. I had no map with me, paper or otherwise.  All I could do was picture it, in my head.  I just went by what the operator was describing to me on the phone. I guess I mis-understood what she was telling me because I understood that all those points of interest were close by.  When I finally DID get to my computer (to come here) I did not check google maps to see what she was talking about. I just came here and posted my question. AFTER I posted this, I went to google maps and saw that I was WAAAY off in what I was picturing in my head. Now that I LOOKED at it, on the map, I can see that Niagra is nowhere NEAR the other points of interest.  I felt like a dummy but, oh well, I let it stand.  I may have to skip Niagra if its that far off. I dont feel like riding that far off course to see the falls. Maybe just check out the others and cut across west.  I guess thats what I get for not checking out the facts before asking a question. LOL. 

Routes / Ok, here's the deal...
« on: September 25, 2011, 05:50:19 pm »
I have a partner now that will be joining me for my cc tour next summer.  We have decided to dip our wheels in Long Beach, NY. We want to see the Statue of Liberty, Twin Towers Memorial, Niagra Falls and Times Square. All of these are within the same area, correct? Or are they too far apart from each other. I am totally not familiar with the NY area.  Has anyone ever done this same routine? Can anyone tell me or does anyone know which specific roads to get from one site to another?   Which site should be the last to visit as we make our way out of the NY area and head west toward Colorado Springs? We now actually plan on ending in LA, which is where she is from. I tried mapping this out myself but its not easy! If anyone should have any specific roads that we can steal from you, please help.  A million Thanks You's in advance!

General Discussion / Re: Great Music For My Tour? Suggestions?
« on: September 19, 2011, 11:09:55 am »
Hey Steve,

     Call me a bit corny, but when I hit some tough times and I just feel like stopping or quiting, (and trust me, there have been times I just wanna stop and give my bike to the next stranger I see and WALK home, ha ha) but when I hit tough times and just dont wanna go anymore, I turn on some good old ROCKY music! Eye of the Tiger, There's No Easy Way Out, The Final Bell, Rocky's Training Montage, Hearts on Fire, etc.  Sometimes it gives me the extra two or three miles that I need to finish my workout.  I know, Im a dork, but it works for me! LOL.

General Discussion / Re: A few questions from a 1st timer
« on: September 02, 2011, 11:28:25 am »
Hey Jonathan, just curious.  How far south are you from? You can PM me if you like. Just wondering cuz Im from Corpus Christi, Tx, Just couple hrs from the Mexican border.

General Discussion / Re: removal of post
« on: September 02, 2011, 11:14:33 am »
I'm glad the old posts from a LOOONG way back are still here.  I've learned alot from them without having to ask. 

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