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Messages - Advend

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / What to expect
« on: May 13, 2005, 04:40:54 pm »
Thank you for the input....What about gear. With mountian biking, there are very few opporunities for bike theft, but I imagine that with this style of distance riding, there are more times where you would leave your bike (see the sights...).  But you would not want to carry this over-sized chain (or the like) around, what is the solution.  Additionally, it seems that long lasting (bright) lighting would also be an issue ??? Any thoughts.


General Discussion / What to expect
« on: May 04, 2005, 05:14:24 pm »
We are entering into the world of long distance riding, coming from a Mountain Bike background.  What are some of the typical aches/pains that are common with this and are there some good solutions to look at to limit the lessons learned. We want to make this new venture as pleasing as possible, and not get fustrated with the potential issues associated with long-distance rides.
Thanks in advance:

Pages: [1]