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Messages - 10speed

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
General Discussion / Re: mountain v. road clipless shoes/pedals
« on: May 19, 2010, 01:48:52 pm »
I can't imagine touring in road bike shoes. How do you go into a store for a gatorade? How do you wander into the woods if you have to? The damn cleat is in the way! Ick.

MTB for me, thanks. A better question might be sandal vs. shoe or hard sole vs. really hard sole.

thanks, that was the kind of convincing answer I was looking for.

General Discussion / mountain v. road clipless shoes/pedals
« on: May 18, 2010, 01:38:28 pm »
please discuss pros and cons of mountain biking shoes/pedals vs. road biking shoes/pedals for transam touring application.

what do you prefer and why?


FWIW I have 0 experience with road shoes and have only used mountain in the past.

Gear Talk / Re: For you Surly Cross Check owners
« on: April 24, 2010, 11:50:37 am »
or you can just order the LHT fork from any LBS, they are maybe $100. solves your issue w/ less screwing around.

Classifieds / WTB: TA Maps, 7-12
« on: April 24, 2010, 01:23:58 am »
I am looking for TransAmerica Maps sections 7-12 (CO-VA) i am fine with less than perfect condition maps. PM or respond here. 

 Thanks ::thumbsup::

General Discussion / Re: bike security while sleeping
« on: April 16, 2010, 03:56:48 pm »
Out of curiousity, how many of you pull your bag/panniers into your tent when you sleep?

This is something I plan on doing.

General Discussion / Re: bike security while sleeping
« on: April 16, 2010, 12:29:57 am »
clamp a small padlock around the rear derail'r.

clever, simple, and effective.

good post.

did I mention cheap?

General Discussion / Re: bike security while sleeping
« on: April 15, 2010, 02:26:45 pm »
great idea. I had no idea that a "bike alarm" existed, however nothing surprises me anymore.

found this guy, that a few cyclist seemed to be happy with and are endorsing:

I may just blow the $$$ and try it.

General Discussion / bike security while sleeping
« on: April 15, 2010, 01:42:16 am »
My worst fear is stealth camping somewhere and waking up to discover my bike is gone and I am in the middle of nowhere without a bike.

Does this fear ever cross your mind and what have you done to prevent such a thing?

I will bring a 6' cable lock. What else might I need? and how do I set it up?

Thank You Touring Pros!

General Discussion / Re: where do we sleep on the TransAm
« on: April 15, 2010, 01:25:53 am »
great thread, I was wondering this myself.

General Discussion / Re: bicycle touring website - car free paths
« on: March 20, 2010, 02:26:14 pm »
Thanks For this great site!! I have a new bookmark.

General Discussion / Re: Noob gearing Question...
« on: February 07, 2010, 07:54:31 pm »
The average between 22 and 44 is 33, so the middle ring ideally will be more than 33.

If I run 44-34or36-22 will the chain want to drop when I push it to small chain ring?

I guess maybe I'll keep the crankset I have (Sugino 28-38-48) and just buy new rings for it.

Thanks again for all your help.

General Discussion / Re: Noob gearing Question...
« on: February 07, 2010, 04:49:15 pm »
What about 91.4 - 21.2 Gear Inches? I can achieve this by foregoing the Crankset I already have and buying a new Mtb Crankset (22-32-44). Then buying the tighter cluster (13-28) for optimal shifting.

Thoughts guys?? I really don't know squat. 

General Discussion / Noob gearing Question...
« on: February 06, 2010, 04:50:10 pm »
So I"m setting up for my first tour. I will be fully loaded for months of travel in the USA. My question is this:

Do I need a gear lower than 1:1?

I have a decent Crankset with 48-38-28 and I'm wondering what do as far as a cluster. The bike will be a 700c unit, fully loaded, and a noob on it. I commute everyday and am used to about 10-20 of riding daily so I'm not out of shape really, and I'm spry at the age of 25.

Should my big cog be 28 or 32?  ???

I really like clusters that dont have big jumps, for smoother shifting, but I really don't wanna walk up hill as a trade off.

Help me touring masters. Thanks in advanced for feedback.

Gear Talk / Re: Brooks saddle modification
« on: February 05, 2010, 09:59:49 pm »
I own both a Brooks B-17 (currently on my Long Haul Trucker) and a Selle An-Atomica. Both are great seats, and if money were no object, I think I'd buy a second Selle An-Atomica...instantly comfortable right outta the box, and no break-in required. AND waterproof.

I would love to hear more about the selle an-atomica, a local guy around here said he had one and it was the worst saddle ever, that the seat splayed and pinched his taint. i thought about getting one until i heard that. any response?

General Discussion / Re: Carrying Pepper Spray
« on: January 24, 2010, 06:30:59 pm »
This whole thread has become truly crazy.

And I love it :)   

most entertainment this forum has offered yet

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