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Messages - hem

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Gear Talk / Re: Shimano 8-speed
« on: February 24, 2012, 04:36:09 pm »
I confess my 10 speed experience is limited and I don't recall ever owning anything made by Campy. But I do understand the plate dimensions are different but not the rollers. YMMV.
My one issue that I have had is with how they can cause jumping on the 11 tooth if put together "upside down."
Correct, the "inner" plate width is what controls how a master link fits and not all chains are identical. 

Also correct that the Wippermann Connex link has to be installed in the correct orientation to run quietly.  The instruction sheet that comes with their chains is very explicit on how to do it properly and it's not at all difficult.

Geesh thanks for the confirmation. BTW are you are you a teacher or is this just the way you are?

Gear Talk / Re: Shimano 8-speed
« on: February 23, 2012, 09:05:27 pm »
Using the 10-speed Connex link on Campy or SRAM chains won't cause its failure but it's not a good fit.

I confess my 10 speed experience is limited and I don't recall ever owning anything made by Campy. But I do understand the plate dimensions are different but not the rollers. YMMV.
My one issue that I have had is with how they can cause jumping on the 11 tooth if put together "upside down."

Gear Talk / Re: Shimano 8-speed
« on: February 23, 2012, 12:00:46 am »
Wippermann chains, including their 10-speed versions, come with the "Conex" link that installs and removes without tools and is reusable.  I've had excellent service from their 10-speed chains on several bikes.

+1 and I use the connex master link on all of my chains, 9 & 10 spd, regardless of the manufacturer.

General Discussion / Re: Which sunscreen?
« on: February 17, 2012, 04:56:42 pm »
I think you missed what DaveB was saying, which is that the alleged "very toxic and harmful" ingreedients the OP says are in common sun screen at not toxic and harmful at all.

Gessh I thought I was agreeing. 

Routes / Re: east coast to st louis via motels?
« on: February 17, 2012, 11:03:29 am »
From Baltimore to St. Louis along the National Road(US 40) I have laid out a credit card tour with maybe a max of 70 miles between lodgings. I'm pretty sure any of the national routes like US 30 would work well too.

General Discussion / Re: Which sunscreen?
« on: February 17, 2012, 10:41:55 am »
These contains the same "very toxic and harmful" active ingredients all effective sun screens do.

Well skin cancer isn't exactly the best thing that ever happened to me either.  If I were younger I would take the  risk of the "very toxic and harmful" over the more probable skin cancer. Every year I have the pleasure of donating some skin because I did not use sun screen.

And plastic surgery hasn't been a real joy either.

General Discussion / Re: Which sunscreen?
« on: February 16, 2012, 11:55:22 am »
Neutrogena helioplex 70 spf

General Discussion / Re: Blatant Anti-Cyclist Comic in Today's Paper
« on: February 10, 2012, 01:35:00 am »
Anyone else think 4' is excessive?

In AZ we have a 3' law. But regardless of what the width is it doesn't mean anything if it is not enforced. The only practical thing I've seen is it gives the police a clear law to charge a driver with when they hit a bicyclist. And in many ways it is an easy out when it should have been a manslaughter charge.

General Discussion / Re: rondanee vs long haul trucker
« on: February 09, 2012, 12:22:32 am »
What gearing do you have now on your T800?
2007 T800        48-36-26 and 11-34
LHT                   48-36-26 and 11-34
Randonee         44-32-22 and 11-32

I don't see much to gain by changing bikes in terms of gearing unless you have something far different. In any case I would prefer the T800 and STI over either of your alternatives.

edit: Latest Adventure Cycling magazine has a review on the Randonee. 

Routes / Re: Best Novice Route Under 500 Miles
« on: February 03, 2012, 11:24:48 am »
I can relate to your situation as I went with a "Bike and Barge" tour in the Netherlands to achieve the same thing. Didn't work out though, she still doesn't want to bicycle tour regardless of the accommodations.
Since you are inclined towards Europe there are a number river routes in Germany and France that may be what you are looking for. I found the Moselle (Mosel) and upper Rhine (Rein) to be nice. Also around Bordeaux is quite flat and interesting.

General Discussion / Re: First long distance ride?
« on: February 03, 2012, 10:23:01 am »
If you do decide to carry your weapon, make sure you know each state's laws.

+1 and I would add Indian Reservations can have different rules and laws regarding firearm than the states they lie in.

Gear Talk / Re: Folding tires
« on: January 08, 2012, 11:51:15 am »
I use both types of Continental GatorSkins and don't see any difference. I believe the folders have "Handmade in Germany" stamped in English on the sidewall though, if that means anything.
I once bought some wire bead tires and they were shipped in the figure eight fold. Proceeded to mount them out of the box and blew three or four tubes before I figured they need to rest unfolded a while before mounting. I am a slow learner.

Gear Talk / Re: Which Schwalbe
« on: January 04, 2012, 12:33:30 pm »
hmmm I seem to recall a liter being 33.792 oz. But maybe that just here in Arizona.
He is talking about ounces of weight not fluid ounces.

I stand corrected. It should be one liter equals roughly one kilogram of water which equals roughly 2.2 pounds or around 35.2 ounces.

Gear Talk / Re: Which Schwalbe
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:06:42 am »
The math is irrefutable: 2 pounds of rubber is less than 1% of the total estimated mass of 300 pounds, 0.067. Thirty-two ounces is roughly two liters of water.

hmmm I seem to recall a liter being 33.792 oz. But maybe that just here in Arizona.

Routes / Re: Lewis & Clark
« on: December 19, 2011, 12:52:21 pm »

How about through Theodore Roosevelt National Park and out the "backdoor." Is this a viable option for getting around Williston?

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