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Messages - damselfli

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Routes / Montreal connection to Massena NY ? (Seaway Trail)
« on: May 10, 2005, 08:51:23 pm »
CSX-CN Freight Train... you mean as a way to get across the border to Canada (rather than riding the bike)?

I guess it wouldn't hurt to know about it.

Routes / Montreal connection to Massena NY ? (Seaway Trail)
« on: April 26, 2005, 02:03:25 pm »
I am looking for a route from Montreal to Massena NY where we can connect with the New York State Seaway Trail along the St Lawrence and Lake Ontario as far south as Oswego. From there we would need to hop to Syracuse for flight home.
The American Byways website has info for New York's Seaway Trail but that route ends at Massena.  

Any suggestions on the connection from Montreal?
We've tried to find info on traveling southwest on the north side of the St Lawrence to Cornwall, and crossing the border; not having much luck with bike maps for that section.

Has anyone bike the Seaway Trail along this portion?

Suggestions on the Oswego/Syracuse leg?

Are there any good sources for maps that will show more info on gradient of these roads?

The Route Verte is available in French language version - it is "Sold Out" in the English version.

General Discussion / Is packing food necessary - Southern Tier
« on: September 06, 2007, 11:29:43 pm »
food might not be absolutely necessary, but energy and water are. as they say - - don't leave home without it. best to take 'something' in case your blood sugar dives after a long hill, a long day, a hot day. have fun!

General Discussion / Newbie Questions
« on: June 06, 2005, 12:12:43 pm »
i highly recommend the AC "How-To-Department" articles - look here :
and browse the archive library for more great how-to stories. it will give you itchy feet, for sure!
i love my arkels too - still squeaky clean.

just curious - which Arkel's did you buy? i'm heading out for my 1st 'test weekend', decided to use my GT34s (front panniers) on the rear - fit my 2 man tent on one side, clothes on the other, bedrolls on top. feels really really heavy on back.... will be riding in the neighborhood to check it out over next 4 days.

General Discussion / What gets confiscated at the airport...?
« on: June 06, 2005, 12:18:37 pm »
I've read this in other on-line web sites... that sometimes the TSA won't allow a stove (empty, cleaned out) on board. Anyone have a simple solution (beyond buying a new stove at each and every destination?).... I'm hoping to do lots of trips flying with my bike.

General Discussion / Calgary to Florida or bust!
« on: June 10, 2005, 01:31:16 pm »
Case in point : here comes Tropical Storm Arlene, first storm of the season.  

This club has some good info for east coast:

Don't forget your bug spray coming to Florida in the summer.

General Discussion / Calgary to Florida or bust!
« on: June 09, 2005, 01:15:30 pm »
I have not biked the length, and have never biked the east coast - I live on the west coast of Florida. But I did note the bike path that is present through parts of the upper keys.  You might try connecting with some of the bike clubs in Broward County for info and routes in that area - they may even have a mapped route to the Keys.

General Discussion / Calgary to Florida or bust!
« on: June 06, 2005, 12:23:39 pm »
I should have mentioned...
If you plan to ride all the way to Florida Keys, I highly recommend the Bahia Honda State Park. It's fantastic camping, and they have cabins too. MUST make reservations in advance. You camp right on the water (Atlantic or back bay, your choice!)...

General Discussion / Calgary to Florida or bust!
« on: May 20, 2005, 09:55:49 pm »
I suggest you check out the Warm Showers list!

Happy Trails!

General Discussion / Numb feet
« on: May 16, 2005, 04:17:35 pm »
Hmmm. Do you have a long second metatarsal bone? Look for a long second toe, and where it joins the next bone in your foot...

What is fairly quickly? 20 miles? 10 minutes?

I've had problems with 'hot foot' since I bought biking shoes. I can feel it near the 30 mile mark. A licensed massage therapist noted that my bone structure is probably causing the problem - because the bone coincides with the cleat position in the shoes / pedals. I bought Cannondale mountain bike shoes (which I love) - because they seemed good for some walking while touring.  I have purchased an insert for my shoes (, but they haven't completely solved the problem.

Some people suggest true road biking shoes - since the sole is totally stiff and the cleat might not transfer the load to this bone.

Others suggest sandals - because they have lots of room for your feet to move and breathe.

I am trying a friend's road shoes this week, to see if they induce the same pain. I am also training myself to use a stronger upstroke and to spin more (no mashing the pedals). This has helped some, for sure.

General Discussion / smaller ring for touring?
« on: May 16, 2005, 03:57:13 pm »
be glad you don't have a 10 speed!

i am still working on a fix for my gearing.
you can read more (on second page) about changing out the gearing here:

General Discussion / smaller ring for touring?
« on: May 10, 2005, 08:58:15 pm »
Anyone switch gears using a 10spd shimano?
Do you have to use barcon shifters?

Valygrl, you have 50/38/26 - can you elaborate who makes your gearing, shifters etc?


General Discussion / Pannier comparisons?
« on: August 08, 2005, 08:02:21 pm »
In late June I finally made my first loaded trip - a two day overnight ride into the middle of our hot muggy swampland. I decided to carry my "front" Arkels on the rear. One pannier held my 2-man tent, complete with ground sheet and fly. The other held all my other stuff except my Thermarest w/ the tent stakes rolled inside it. I loaded my Arkel rack pack on top of the mountain behind me - for quick access to tools and camera and snacks - and ended up with a whopping 60#s (bike fully loaded no water). Will work on reducing stuff.

The Arkels were great. We dodged rain - light sprinkles only - so can't report on the liners. Small top pockets held tools and tent stakes. Shoes in other.

I will report again when my husband has had a chance to test the Ortliebs on his new Bilenky. :)

General Discussion / Pannier comparisons?
« on: April 26, 2005, 01:37:40 pm »
Thanks for all the input!
I have decided to use Arkel panniers - and my husband is going with Ortliebs, so we will have a side-by-side comparison, and it will be interesting to see the differences in use and service of the bags. We hope to make our first excursion this fall, and I will definitely report back to the Forum with our notes, since it may be useful to others who are still shopping.

Thanks to AC for the Forum - it's a great service to all.

General Discussion / Pannier comparisons?
« on: April 07, 2005, 08:58:06 pm »
Thanks for the link and the input.
You are so right - I can't wait to hit the road!

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