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Topics - davesiskind

Pages: [1]
Gear Talk / tires, chains, etc., how long things last
« on: January 09, 2004, 04:05:53 pm »
I have complied about 400,000 miles of testing
and record keeping on most things on a bike.  For
example, one bike (frame) has gone 105,000
miles ands is still in use for long tours and I
typically get 11,000 miles on a chain.  If interested
in a copy of my summaries, contact me at

General Discussion / My 45-year touring history & techno stuff
« on: January 08, 2004, 06:18:11 pm »
NA, Europe, NZ, my life of 45 years and 420,000
miles plus a fanatic's record keeping of how long
bike stuff lasts and what fails.

Press release

“Winding road next 77 miles.” Lolo P*ss in
Montana’s Bitterroot Range nearly did in Lewis and
Clark in 1805.  Lewis P*ss in New Zealand’
Southerrn Alps almost did the same to Dave
Siskind, 196 years later.  Adventure Cycling’s
routes, historic Route 66 from LA to Chicago,
Natchez Trace, Black Hills, Yellowstone, Banff
National Park, the Shakopee Velodrome, Nova
Scotia, Masi’s and Holdsworth’s shops, Tuscany,
Provence, Ireland, Israel, Iowa... it’s all in this
personal history of 45 years and 420,000 bicycling
miles.  This 372-page illustrated 8-1/2 by 11
volume describes two wheeled adventures, racing,
and touring nearly everywhere in western Europe,
North America, and New Zealand. Included are the
bike club scenes and personalities in the ‘60’s NE
USA and the ‘70’s to ‘00’s Minnesota, a retro
philosophy of sustainable biking, and discoveries
of what’s good stuff and how long tires, chains,
and frames last.   This is a limited, signed, and
numbered first edition of 25 copies, March 2004.  
Price: $40.  No club, wholesale, or quantity
discounts are available.  Contact Dave by February
29, 2004 at or 612-929-4498.

Pages: [1]