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Topics - dougstetson

Pages: [1]
Routes / Western Express
« on: March 19, 2007, 12:05:04 pm »
I'm planning an east to west TransAmerica, using the ACA Western Express from  Pueblo to San Francisco. The ACA maps have arrived and the riding conditions described for Utah and Nevada are pretty grim. I expect to leave Virginia mid- to late May putting me in NV and UT in mid-July and August. As I pursue this insanity I would really appreciate advice from those who have gone before on the Western Express. Thanks!

Doug Stetson
San Francisco bound

This message was edited by dougstetson on 4-8-07 @ 5:28 PM

Routes / Virginia Beach to San Francisco -- When?
« on: February 19, 2007, 03:50:51 pm »
Planning a TransAM east to west starting in Virginia Beach to Pueblo, then Western Express to San Francisco, unsupported, about 50 miles a day, 6 days a week, more when possible and fun, social and sightseeing stops, camping when possible: I'm guessing 70-85 days. My first such trip. Question is, when to start. I want to avoid snow in the Appalachians, and heat in the western deserts. Anyone with experience on this route willing to offer suggestions? I'd like to get in touch.

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