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Messages - driftlessregion

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General Discussion / Logistics, Getting People and Bikes to Astoria
« on: May 21, 2007, 10:51:57 pm »
If you give a motel your business they may be willing, at least that was my experience.

General Discussion / Overtraining - Real, or Myth?
« on: May 02, 2007, 11:10:38 pm »
It depends on what you want to achieve. If you want to be good at riding 55 miles slowly everyday ride 55 miles everyday. If you want to get faster you'll have to include some kind of speed work; do some sprints once a week in the middle of your ride.  If you want to climb better you'll have to work harder on those climbs. So yes, 42 miles with intensity is overall better than a slow 52. Once you increase the intensity into the anerobic area then you have to start thinking about adding rest. Back to back days of "I thought I would die" is hard on the body. Most of us never get stronger and faster without really thinking about pushing our limits. Without pushing consciously we tend to stay in the 75-80% or our maximum effort range (typical touring effort) which doesn't lead to overall improvement.  There are also lots of books available in the library on using heart rate for training including some by Chris Carmichael, Lance Armstrong's coach. He preaches the same ideas that Fred Matheny does. Hope this helps.

General Discussion / Overtraining - Real, or Myth?
« on: April 30, 2007, 10:06:29 pm »
Russell is correct. See and especially the ebook by Fred Matheny, Complete Book of Road Bike Training.It's a great book for anyone serious about increasing strength and endurance.  Recent Bicycling Mags also have articles about training with intensity. Fred also endorses rest, especially after those intense workouts.

General Discussion / Bike security while camping?
« on: April 24, 2007, 12:09:23 am »
Hey Tofu,
Tons of us out around Paoli tonight on the bicycle highways.
You can get lightweight cable by length at hardware stores and those little lead jobbies to create the loop. That way you can make it really long to wrap both wheels and the frame and your old BOB. I also undo the quick releases at night, and when at cafes eating pie wrap my helmet straps through the spokes. One more hassle for a thief.

General Discussion / Your Local Bike Shop
« on: March 19, 2007, 10:12:38 pm »
I only buy mail order when I absolutely can't buy it locally. My problem is choosing which of the fine  (with the exception of one) locally owned Madison shops to patronize.

General Discussion / wide shoes
« on: January 07, 2007, 12:32:40 am »
Thanks for the replies. I see that Lake shoes also have wide sizes. I have sandals and like them alot but want to have a choice and a warmer shoe at times too.

General Discussion / wide shoes
« on: January 04, 2007, 11:21:33 pm »
My podiatrist says that I need wider shoes. Anyone know which touring or mountain shoes are wide?

General Discussion / Where this year?
« on: January 11, 2007, 11:51:43 pm »
A week in Southern Indiana creating my own "TRIRI." (See

General Discussion / 100 lb+ loads
« on: September 26, 2006, 12:16:56 am »
Well, 10 MPH on the flats maybe.
This and the previous string are interesting because there has long been an assumption in touring circles that lighter is better. The friends I mentioned earlier that took everything but the proverbial kitchen sink were quite happy and didn't need anyone telling them it was too much!  Not my way of traveling but then I don't go super light either. The point is to take what fits with your notion of what is important on a tour. I don't need 10# of photog equipment but I do need that heavy pad and maybe even a pint of good single malt whiskey. The photographer will sleep on rocks before giving up his high zoot lenses. Some are leery about traveling without 10# of tools. They get nervous if they can't fix things in the middle of nowhere.  Who am I to say that is too heavy? My preference is to have every thing nearly new so nothing breaks down but that may not always be possible. We have different values and if the bike keeps moving forward that's all that really matters. Happy trails everyone.

General Discussion / Loaded Weight
« on: September 26, 2006, 12:06:55 am »
"Regardless of how fast or slow I rode on my tour, the tour was the journey and not the destination, nor the miles made good"


General Discussion / Loaded Weight
« on: September 22, 2006, 10:20:12 pm »
Every one has a opinion as you can see. Who knows if 59# is too much until you try it. I've ridden with folks who brought a laptop computer to plug in his camera that makes yours look mini. Another person brought a spare set of pedals and shoes! They rode mountains and never quit and had a blast. As for what to take, it is your experience and you know what is important to you. That said, what's with all the batteries and camera gear? I love camping and camp cooking so I take lots of cooking gear. That is my value and maybe yours, but if it isn't yours don't take all the stuff. 5.5# for a tent is OK if it is a very good tent. Lighter might mean smaller which doesn't work for someone 6'3" like me. I love a large vestibule.  My bag is only 2# which means I can take my 5# pad. Again my values. Are they yours? I take one flashlight only; it weighs next to nothing. Are you riding at night? Then why the front and rear lights? For a one week trip can you do without so many clothes?  I agree with the handwash (one day per short!)and dry on the bike. Friends of mine though wouldn't be caught dead with their laundry on the back of the bike. I don't take a lock-I don't let it out of my sight generally, and run my helmet straps through in the spokes and loosen the quick release hubs to make noise if someone tries to take it.
Well, there you go, another opinion. Go have fun and see what you don't need and then go again leaving some of it behind!

General Discussion / to late to ride?
« on: September 14, 2006, 12:01:51 am »
This is from the North Cascades National Park website ( "During an average year heavy snow and continuous avalanches bury the highway beyond Ross Lake Trailhead from mid-November to April. " Ross Lake is only a three day ride from the start in Anacortes on the Northern Tier Route. Temperatures will start dropping soon at night. I was there last week and wished I was on my bike! The weather was fabulous: warm in the sun, cool at night and clear skies, in contrast to two years ago when I rode it on my bike in early June and it was cloudy/rainy. It was great to see what I missed two years ago.

General Discussion / Riding Southern tier with load
« on: August 15, 2006, 10:14:01 pm »
You can only carry so much so I think they mean the total you will carry, period. Your stuff, shared group stuff etc. That's a wide range: 30-45#. I've seen people at on the same tour at both ends of the range and they each were happy. The lightweight was happy because he was light, the guy with [more than] 45# was happy because he had his laptop, huge camera, and more variety in his wardrobe. It's all very personal- unless you can't haul it up over the mountains.

General Discussion / Shoulder Pain solutions?
« on: September 29, 2006, 08:47:27 pm »
Excellent! I paid $100 4 years ago on a fit and it was the best money I've spent bicycling. Glad you're comfortable!

General Discussion / Good Touring Saddle?
« on: July 15, 2006, 11:51:30 pm »
The B-17 takes almost no time to break in, the Pro will take longer but last forever if you take care of it (mine is 20 years old). Don't have any experience with the spring loaded versions. My guess is that it could hurt power output but that my be of no concern for you. There are many other discussions in the forum archives about saddles to peruse. Good luck.

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