« on: September 21, 2009, 07:43:49 pm »
hey michael
i've recently started using the backpack method for the past few tours and find it to work very well.... without being longwinded....i use an old/small camelback bag (that doesn't have the water bag in it) and use it to carry: maps, canon camera, two nalgene bottles filled up, first aid kit, wallet, journal, pens, and snack foods.
it took my back, shoulders, neck a bit to get used to, but i found that stopping to stretch out every now and again solved any issues...plus it reminded me to slow down and smell the roses.
main reason i started backpack way was that my touring bike is my old racing bike, whcih obviously wasn't meant to have panniers bolted onto frame...so the seat post rack has a carry capactiy of 25lbs or so...so any unnecessary weight i can get off of seat post rack is less chance of it breaking at stem....
another great thing about backpack is that if i want to go wander off and explore i have all my valuables already on my back (wallet, camera, maps, etc)....so that saves time, in my opinion...
..ok...maybe that was a long winded.