I share your sense of adventure in a sense. I also have considerable experience in the outdoors. I fear your lament for others, though, doesn't take into account other perspectives.
First, some people see the preparation as part of the adventure. Did I cover everything? What did I leave unforseen? Was the balancing of others' experiences applied to my situation done well? Etc... While you and I may see the unknown around the next bend as an opportunity to expand the experience; others may simply get dejected, defeated, and so on.
Second, some people just don't like troubles (in my opinion a euphemism for pain). When I first started backpacking many summers ago I went on the trail without an inkling of an idea of what to do. My mistake at every turn was a great professor. Some of the fellows with me took home a different lesson: the outdoors are not for enjoyment. That to me is sad. I wish forums like this could have been a part of my experiences back then - perhaps it would have saved the skin (literally) on my back on my first trip (hiking). And perhaps the others would see eco-friendly travel as an option, not something to be avoided.
Lastly, there are many considerations people have in respect to their touring. Many people may desire the shortest amount of time because they are self-employed, and every day on a tour is money lost for another one down the road. Others may be heading out with someone else who has more experience and may not want to be a drain on that other person. For example, I'm a teacher and by virtue of my occupation I am asked questions no less than 300 times per day. Honestly, when I'm not at work - don't ask me anything!

You raise some good questions, but in the end just enjoy the ride.