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Topics - sanuk

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General Discussion / Bike security when touring in the USA
« on: May 20, 2010, 11:11:27 pm »
So, I now know what to wear when it's wet and more or less where I want to go, but now I'm wondering about how to keep my bike from being stolen.  From what I already know as well as what I've read more recently online here and elsewhere - most recently under REI bike lock consumer reports - there's no ultimate solution.  Most locks tested fail one way or another, even expensive U locks, which apparently can sometimes be picked with a ball-point pen or broken open with a car jack!  Bike thieves carry car jacks!!??  Guess I've been living in dream land too long.  Bike theft is of course common around the world, but it seems some are more adept and professional about it than others.  Around here, a good cable lock usually suffices.  Not many people have any need of bolt cutters and no one except a garage mechanic would have a jack.  Maybe not even them.  Anyway, my bikes are too big for the average SE Asian, who don't like riding bikes anyway.
So what to do, especially on a long ride in the US where weight is the significant factor?  I have what I was told in Germany was a bolt-cutter proof metal-link flexible cable type lock which is way heavy enough.  It's made by Abus. Haven't seen any like it on sale elsewhere, at least not on the REI site.  Now I'm thinking of getting a Kryiptonite U lock as well which will add to my weight a fair bit more.  Other than that I can only think of trying to keep my bike within sight and/or making sure I attach it to an unmoveable object - although a U lock won't go round a tree very well - or sleeping with my bike partly under my tent as a pillow!  Not very comfortable.  Any other suggestions?


General Discussion / ACA maps availability?
« on: May 16, 2010, 11:04:39 pm »
Have read of people ordering their ACA maps.  I'd somehow assumed they'd be on sale in bike shops/REI stores and would be able to pick up what I needed when l arrive in the US.  Is ordering the only way to get them? Seems likely as they have different prices for members/non members. If so, that might be tricky from SE Asia.

General Discussion / Airlines and bikes
« on: May 10, 2010, 03:32:09 am »
So, just as I was getting ready for my bike trip in the US this summer I've now been told by the airline I'm booked with that it will cost me an additional $300 each way just for my bike!!!!   This is not the first time I've flown with my bike and I've never been charged anything extra before except for being over weight.  The airline in question is EVA and that would add $600 to the already pricey $1,600 economy price.  Last year I flew with my bike on Emirates from Frankfurt via Dubai to Bangkok, then on Thai up to Laos.  On the Emirates flight I was allowed 25kg but was 10 kg over that with my other check-in bag and they never questioned it.  In Bangkok I had to pay for being overweight but that only came out at about $30 so was no big deal.  Never any charge or suggestion of it just for the bike.  So obviously this is purely at the whim of the airlines and how accomodating or otherwise they are to cyclists.  I don't expect much sympathy in my part of the world as only the poor or weird foreigners ride bikes here.   But the US seems worse - United and Delta especially.  Mass protests outside airline offices anyone?  But perhaps not in Bangkok right now.

General Discussion / What to wear in the rain?
« on: May 05, 2010, 10:54:39 pm »
I'm new to this forum and am happy I found it.  Great info.  So, hope this query comes under the right topic heading.  I'm coming to Seattle this summer with the intention of cycling the Pacific Coast - or part of it at least.  Not sure how far I'll get, especially if it rains a lot, as it is known to do.  Mostly I intend to camp.  I know what the weather can be like as I was once a resident in Vancouver, Canada.  However, in terms of appropriate clothing I'm not well prepared - yet.  My old GoreTex hiking jacket is no longer what I'd call waterproof.  I was/am thinking of buying another Goretex more appropriate for long distance cycling, but then a jacket doesn't keep your legs and shorts dry.  Then I thought of the cheaper, and some might say better, option: a waterproof poncho.  I rode recently with a cheapo plastic one in a tropical downpour and it worked reasonably well if a bit messy and sweaty, but it can also be used as a bike cover - sort of.  Costs, utility and weight/bulk are all considerations.  Any thoughts/advice? 

Pacific Northwest / Cycling from Olympic peninsula south on 101
« on: May 05, 2010, 05:46:28 am »
I'm planning to cycle this route - 101 - in August/September.  Not sure how far south I'll get, but would like to make it to northern Cal.  Then I'll need to get back up to Seattle, hopefully without having to backtrack.  Any alternative routes inland that aren't too hilly?  The new Sierra Cascades route is no doubt scenic, but is sure to be hellishly uphill.  This will be the first time I've cycled in the US, although I've done a fair bit in Europe and some in SE Asia where I'm based.  Hoping to camp most of the way and will buy maps, etc when I get there, but any specific tips would be appreciated.  For example, approx daily costs - camp sites, food,etc. Safety issues?  I guess the 101 has a fair amount of tourist traffic at that time.  Having once lived in Vancouver, Canada I'm aware of the likely weather.

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