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Classifieds / Re: Companions Wanted Section
« Last post by nlansner on September 11, 2024, 09:51:42 pm »
First off, John thanks for creating this thread.  I hope they fix companions wanted, although I posted there last year for my last tour (Atlanta to Milwaukee) and nobody ever responded.  Sad face.

February 2025, 10-11 day ride through Joshua Tree & Death Valley NP.  Starting outside of Palm Springs, ending in Vegas.  60-65 mi/day average, self-contained.  I'm a 46 year old married male with extensive bike touring experience.  My wife frequently tours with me but she has zero interest in deserts and mountains, so I'm looking for ANYONE who wants to go. Mostly camping at campgrounds, some hotels as needed.  I prefer to eat at restaurants but we're gonna be in some of the most desolate places in America so we'll see.  The reward should be absolutely jaw-dropping scenery.

My email is this username at gmail, or google me (first name Noah) and you'll find my contact info. I'm not too hard to find.
Classifieds / Re: Companions Wanted Section
« Last post by bobbiedobbs on September 10, 2024, 02:12:58 am »
71-year old male cyclist seeking responsible adult to provide RV/camper support for my lifelong dream of bicycling the 1,000 mile, Baja Peninsula of Mexico, during 4-5 weeks in mid-Feb to late March, 2025. .

I will subsidize ALL expenses, including food, gas and Mexican auto insurance. Additional stipend also possible. Driver should have BASIC bike repair acumen. Ability to speak basic Spanish would be helpful but is not necessary. I plan to ride independently; you would drive the route during the later part of the day to intercept me if necessary, and for help in emergencies. I will not be sleeping in your RV unless no other option is available.

I will follow Mexico Transcontinental Route 1 from the U.S border to Cabo San Lucas.I am a married male from Philadelphia  with extensive independent bike touring experience. This is an opportunity to experience a culturally fascinating area cost-free (while relieving my wife's anxiety)..

Midwest / Luggage Tranfer
« Last post by triggerld on September 08, 2024, 07:03:21 pm »
I'm considering doing several bike trails and rail trail rides in Minnesota in 2025. Does anyone know of any companies in MN that offer luggage transfer services?
Lindsay Whiting
Classifieds / Seeking sag support for bike trip in Baja, Mexico in early 2025
« Last post by bobbiedobbs on September 07, 2024, 09:30:01 pm »
71-year old male cyclist seeking responsible adult to provide RV/camper support for my lifelong dream of bicycling the 1,000 mile, Baja Peninsula of Mexico, during 4-5 weeks in mid-Feb to late March, 2025. .

I will subsidize ALL expenses, including food, gas and Mexican auto insurance. Additional stipend also possible. Driver should have BASIC bike repair acumen. Ability to speak basic Spanish would be helpful but is not necessary. I plan to ride independently; you would drive the route during the later part of the day to intercept me if necessary, and for help in emergencies. I will not be sleeping in your RV unless no other option is available.

I will follow Mexico Transcontinental Route 1 from the U.S border to Cabo San Lucas.I am a married male from Philadelphia  with extensive independent bike touring experience. This is an opportunity to experience a culturally fascinating area cost-free (while relieving my wife's anxiety)..
Routes / Re: Willamette Valley short cut on old TA route?
« Last post by Ty0604 on September 05, 2024, 05:03:01 pm »
Sorry for the late reply but I rode Peoria Rd often when I lived in Portland and it was never an issue. My first tours were the Willamette Valley Scenic Bikeway. A lot of lessons learned on those roads.
Routes / Re: Boston to Portland - Route / general touring advice?
« Last post by Ty0604 on September 05, 2024, 04:59:34 pm »
I would highly recommend buying the ACA’s Atlantic Coast Route Section 1 from Bar Harbor, ME to Windsor Locks, CT. This map passes through Portland and has a Boston spur section on it.

When to ride? April into May would be my choice. I would ride in the spring. Summer to fall is Atlantic hurricane season. The storms can get nasty.

I ride 60-80 a day but I’ve ridden all over the USA so that’s not much for me.

I mostly camp with the occasional WarmShower or hotel. I prefer to be alone after a long day of riding though. I also cook most of my own food. If I eat out it’s fast food for lunch. Again it’s part of being alone at the end of a long day.

Happy touring!
South / How to get from Tupelo, MS to Tulsa, OK via Gum Springs, AR?
« Last post by DaveBishop on September 05, 2024, 12:37:41 pm »
Hi everybody!

Hoping to tap into community knowledge about safe roads to connect Tupelo MS to Tulsa OK with a connection to Gum Springs AR in the middle.

Broader context:
I'm trying to put together a route that connects many of the sites and locations we operate as a company. I'm trying to use the ACA routes as much as possible, as they are so well documented. So in my current route proposal, I'm working my way up from New Orleans to St Louis following the ACA Great Rivers route. However, Gum Springs AR is a very important site for our company, so I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to "make a left turn" at Tupelo MS, head towards Gum Springs via Mephis and Little Rock, and then connect with the ACA Route 66 route in Tulsa.

The attached screenshot illustrates the intention a little bit better perhaps.

When I put this in Strava's route generator, this is the output, but I'm not sure what the quality of that proposed route is.

Appreciate any feedback or suggestions you may have on this. Thanks in advance!


General Discussion / Re: Bike 'friendliness' of US hotels?
« Last post by mattdwyerva on September 05, 2024, 10:57:43 am »
I've only had issues on rare occasions (2/150??), despite letting them know we have bikes.   If it was a rainy day, I ask for old towels and dry off outside first.   Chain hotels often keep towels at registration for this if on a bike route. 

OTOH, many times (esp Best Western), we were initially assigned the pet-friendly room which smells like urine, or the room that was used by smokers, and then we insist on a new room.  With one exception, all sheepishly give us a different room.   
General Discussion / Re: Most dangerous roads
« Last post by mattdwyerva on September 05, 2024, 10:48:06 am »
I did not like sections of US 56 in Kansas that had no shoulders.  Commercial truckers we're cautious and gave us room, but cattle trucks were inches away - very hard to hold a line when cross wind from the right.

US101 in Oregon was not as bad as I was told, except lots of bridges (and one tunnel) with little to no shoulder, all on curvy sections.   This was weekdays, and I'm told weekends are far worse on 101.

Rt 9 North of Hartsel CO was bad.  191 South of Old Faithful was scary in the afternoon, especially on descents. 

In all cases, volume of traffic is big part of the equation.  If we rode "off" hours (eg, very early on weekends), no big deal usually. 

I don't think we rode any of these in the rain, and going west bound avoided sun in the eyes of drivers, so it could have been worse. 

General Discussion / Re: Most dangerous roads
« Last post by John Nettles on September 04, 2024, 11:11:36 pm »
There were very attractive women from Russia.
I got a chuckle how this is part of the "Most Dangerous Roads" thread  :D
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