Author Topic: Need to heal faster  (Read 7279 times)

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Offline WindyNava

Need to heal faster
« on: October 17, 2018, 01:11:06 am »
Ok, so I'll start off by saying that I strained my lower back by BMX biking 2 years ago, and I think I pulled the muscle snowboarding shortly after that. It took 2 months of relaxing for it to heal. Fast forward a year, my back was fine and I was biking almost every day. This past snowboard season I had one bad fall and twisted my back causing strain. Throughout the snowboard season, I kept re-straining my back snowboarding (doing jumps and such) as I probably didn't allow enough rest time in between (2 weeks usually which I thought was sufficient). Currently, I have been noticing my back slowly healing, and once I feel good enough, I try and bike and suddenly my lower back is sore and feels strained again for another 2 weeks. What should I do? I have tried heat pads, stretching, exercising, etc. I have decided I'm going to put my bike away and finally give myself a good long period for my back to heal.
My question is what stretches/exercises should I be doing to allow my back to heal and strengthen, what are some things I should be doing/shouldn't be doing? Also, should I go see a chiropractic center? Will that help me to cure faster? Need recommendations on that.

Offline John Nettles

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Re: Need to heal faster
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2018, 07:38:17 am »
Maybe see a sports physiotherapist and/or a reputable chiropractic.  Honestly, since it is snow boarding that keeps re-injuring your back, if you can tolerate it, skip next season and let it really heal.  The road biking (not BMX) may slow the recovering but is unlikely to do the severe injuring you are getting, unless you crash the road bike of course.

You don't say how old you are but I am assuming under 30.  If older, God bless you.  As you get older, it definitely takes longer to recover and heal.

Offline Pat Lamb

Re: Need to heal faster
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2018, 09:36:50 am »
As John notes, healing takes longer as you get older.  (Alas!)

Let me make two suggestions.  First, instead of saying you need to heal faster, accept that it's taking longer for you to heal, and adjust your expectations accordingly.  For instance, if it used to take two weeks to heal and now it takes longer, expect it to take three weeks.

Second, don't jump in full force when you do return to activity (either biking or snow boarding).  Perhaps you can start a gentle stretching program two weeks post injury, and after three weeks start doing relatively short and easy bike rides.  You'll have to do the translation into snow boarding -- maybe just a limited number of runs down a bunny slope?  Skip the fun, hard, technical parts (that got you injured in the first place) until you're no longer stiff and sore, and work your way up gradually.

Also, have you tried doing core exercises?  Of course, you'll need to start those gradually as well.

Offline DarrenBnYYC

Re: Need to heal faster
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2018, 07:27:14 pm »
Lots of good advice above. And I'll second the suggestion to add a strong core workout to your daily routine. As I have grown older, I started to develop recurring back problems of increasing severity. It took four physiotherapists to help me find a cure, but daily core exercises and leg stretches are what helped me overcome my back problems. My last physiotherapist figured it out for me - calves and quads stretches were what he emphasized, along with core strengthening. The previous ones just gave generic advice that didn't help, so it pays to see someone really skilled.

Offline hikerjer

Re: Need to heal faster
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2018, 10:51:01 pm »
Sorry to hear about your injuries but I can certainly relate. A lot depends on how old you are. I  know for certain that at my advanced age, it takes much longer to recuperate from an injury than it ever did when I was young.  It's just part of the aging process.So factor in your age and sadly realizes that as you get older, recovery is going to take longer.

However, if you're relatively young, then I would definitely see a doctor and see what he/she recommends.

Good luck. Back pain is no fun. :P

Offline hikerjer

Re: Need to heal faster
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2018, 10:58:07 am »
Sorry to hear about your injuries but I can certainly relate. A lot depends on how old you are. I  know for certain that at my advanced age, it takes much longer to recuperate from an injury than it ever did when I was young.  It's just part of the aging process.So factor in your age and sadly realizesthat as you get older, recovery is going to take longer.

However, if you're relatively young, then I would definitely see a doctor and see what he/she recommends.

Good luck. Back pain is no fun. :P

Offline David W Pratt

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Re: Need to heal faster
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2018, 09:02:50 pm »
My limited personal experience suggests that you call up the local professional sports team, or big time university athletic program and ask them who they see for orthopedic injuries.  Those physicians will be the best available (remembering that there may be sub sub specialists for different body parts).  Their patients will not accept "stop doing it" so they are oriented toward finding a solution.  It may take a number of phone calls to track down the right MD.
Good luck