Author Topic: Tandem Tips? (Load/Wheels...)  (Read 7489 times)

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Offline scrooge

Tandem Tips? (Load/Wheels...)
« on: April 30, 2006, 06:29:09 pm »
Pardon me if this has been discussed before...I did a search and couldn't find anything.
My wife and I just ordered a tandem and are hoping to do some touring with it this summer (Perhaps around lake Superior, perhaps to her parents house in New York State...).  We already have Bob Trailers, so are planning to use that, but are doubting that we'll be able to fit all of our stuff in it.  If we decide we also need panniers, would the wisdom be to load the front first in order to balance out the load?  If we go with rear, are we going to have to worry about getting custom wheels or breaking spokes all the time?  (WE are getting 40 spoke wheels...)

Offline scott.laughlin

Tandem Tips? (Load/Wheels...)
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2006, 10:00:19 am »
Maybe you are trying to take too much stuff?  Take only half what you think you absolutely have to have.  And then make sure you have someplace to mail the stuff you may wish you would have left at home.

You may be surprised at how much easier it is to cope than to bring it.

Offline nochain

Tandem Tips? (Load/Wheels...)
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2006, 04:56:30 pm »
My family road x-c on tandems with bobs.  We loaded up another bag about 1/2 the size of the bob bag and strapped it on top of the bob.  The bob had about 70 lbs on it and road fine.  

We did meet another tandem cuople on our trip who had a bob with rear panniers and they were doing fine.  Remember, the tongue weight on the bob is only about 10lbs so there is not much weight on the bike.