Author Topic: Anyone been touring on the Salsa Vaya yet?  (Read 41409 times)

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Offline waynemyer

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Re: Anyone been touring on the Salsa Vaya yet?
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2011, 11:16:51 am »
She has tried out a friends Long Haul Trucker and found it to be a tank with a capitol T. I know touring bikes need to be a little heavy to handle loads but jeez, c'mon. The 46cm LHT weighed more than my 57cm Waterford. (I know, I know apples/oranges etc)

So, anyone have any real touring experience on the Vaya?
Kind of an old thread, but my friend recently bought a 2010 Salsa Vaya. She equipped it with the Salsa Wanderlust and Down Under racks*. For a shakedown tour, we did a 96 mile ride fully loaded. The bike was in otherwise stock configuration. This was her first loaded tour and she is a novice rider. The Vaya performed well over chip seal, loose gravel, gravel transitions, and pea gravel paths. The gearing is a bit too tall for loaded touring, but she never had to walk up any climbs (and there were a couple zingers when we approaching the campsite).

For our next tour, she is definitely going to install a 12-36 cassette and the lowest chainrings she can fit on the crankset.

I've taken it for a spin loaded and unloaded. I'm impressed with the platform as a whole and think it makes a great all-weather touring bike. If it was my bike, I would upgrade the brakes to BB7 and lower the gearing a little. But other than that, I can easily suggest this bike for anyone interested.

*These two racks are quite burly, quite well-designed, and install mostly easily. The Wanderlust requires that the upper stays be cut to size. Be aware that they are solid, not hollow, and I suggest a heavy duty ceramic cutting disc with a rotary tool. The Down Under has a unique two-prong design that eliminates the over-the-wheel loop like on the Tubus Tara, yet retains its lateral rigidity. Both racks have M5 threaded braze-ons for attaching light mounts or whatever suits you.  (user:waynemyer)

Offline Murph2112

Re: Anyone been touring on the Salsa Vaya yet?
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2011, 07:34:18 pm »

I don't think any one can really evaluate that condition for you.  No one here knows how "strong of a rider" you are are.  So I don't see how anyone can make an apples to apples comparison for you.

Isn't there a test hill somewhere that you can use to evaluate things?

You are right.  It's time to take it to the streets. 

I'm in the Northeast so a short w/e tour in NH across the Kancamagus Hwy and up the Mt. Washington auto road will provide all the test climbing I'll ever need.

Will report back

Offline Tasmanian

Re: Anyone been touring on the Salsa Vaya yet?
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2011, 09:39:49 pm »
I  have had  my   Vaya  for 10  months .
The  first  change  I  made  was  the  seat  which  I  found  unbearable even  on  a 20km  short  ride so  it  was  swapped   for  a  Brooks B17  which  is  now  2000km  worn in  &  a  lot  better .
I  found  the  gearing  too  big  , so  fitted  a  MTB cassette  which gave  me  one  more  gear  lower  but still found  that  not  enough  so  I  coughed  up  the  money  &  fitted  a  Rohloff  speedhub  ( amazing ! ) with a 44  tooth  crankset, this  has  given  a  lot  lower  range  &  perfect  for my  touring , altough  I  will  probably  change  to  a  40  tooth  when  I  load  up  with  trailer.The  gear  sifter  fitted  to  a  Nitto  lamp holder bar  which  also  takes  everthing  else  off  my  handlebars &  is  quite  neat & tidy
Salsa  racks  are  fitted  to  front  &  rear  &  fit  perfectly. I  dont like  the  ergo drop in the  handlebars & cannot  use  the  drops comfortably, can you  get  the  MOTO ace  bars  without the  stupid dent  in them?  anyone ?
I  had  trouble  fitting the front  fender  as  the  one  of  the  stays  clashed  with  the  disk brake  but  eventually  won  by  bending  &  modifying  the  fender  stay.
I  find  the  bike  a  bit  wobbly  for  my  liking but  it  must  be  me   as  no  one  else  seems  to .
There is  a  lot  of  flex  in  the  forks when (front disk) braking  hard  what  this will  do  to  the bearings  in  the  steering  tube  time  will  tell , otherwise  I  love  my  Vaya.

Offline waynemyer

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Re: Anyone been touring on the Salsa Vaya yet?
« Reply #18 on: November 14, 2011, 12:01:39 am »
I  dont like  the  ergo drop in the  handlebars & cannot  use  the  drops comfortably, can you  get  the  MOTO ace  bars  without the  stupid dent  in them?  anyone ?

If you like Salsa otherwise, the Cowbell, Short and Shallow, and Pro Road don't have the dramatic ergo bend of the Bell Lap. I'm partial to the Cowbell, but it's probably too short and shallow for many people.

I  find  the  bike  a  bit  wobbly  for  my  liking but  it  must  be  me   as  no  one  else  seems  to .
There is  a  lot  of  flex  in  the  forks when (front disk) braking  hard  what  this will  do  to  the bearings  in  the  steering  tube  time  will  tell , otherwise  I  love  my  Vaya.

If the headset isn't clunking under braking load, then there will be no premature bearing wear. The Salsa touring forks are a little flexy in the longitude, but that's for soaking up road noise. I've borrowed my friend's Vaya and I have experienced the wobbliness you described when I loaded my panniers badly. Some load rejiggering helped immensely.  (user:waynemyer)