Author Topic: Sierra Cascades Piedra route mystery.  (Read 11251 times)

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Offline PeteJack

Sierra Cascades Piedra route mystery.
« on: November 25, 2011, 11:13:44 am »
Perhaps someone can help me figure out exactly where we were this summer at a derelict bridge across Kings River on what we thought was Pine Flat Rd. (See Map 53 of Sierra Cascades route.)

Here's the mystery. Google maps shows a bridge and I can find no reference on the Web to a derelict bridge anywhere near Piedra which has me wondering exactly which road were we on? The bridge in the picture above, to me, looks as the it may have been a railroad bridge: it's too narrow for a road bridge and the timbers look as though they may have been railroad ties. There was around 1910 - 1920 a railroad spur to a quarry in Piedra. Perhaps this is a remnant of that line and we were not on Pine Flat Rd at all? We were trying to get to the Corps campground without a lot of backtracking.

« Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 08:27:14 pm by PeteJack »

Offline John Nelson

Re: Sierra Cascades Piedra route mystery.
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2011, 12:29:27 pm »

Offline PeteJack

Re: Sierra Cascades Piedra route mystery.
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2011, 06:23:14 pm »
Dunno what I did wrong with the link. Another mystery.


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Re: Sierra Cascades Piedra route mystery.
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2011, 08:18:48 pm »
Dunno what I did wrong with the link. Another mystery.

It looks like you highlighted the URL and then clicked the Insert FTP Link button instead of the Insert Hyperlink button. You can see the inserted code by clicking the Modify button to the right of the subject line in your post.


Offline PeteJack

Re: Sierra Cascades Piedra route mystery.
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2011, 08:29:05 pm »
That's one mystery cleared up. Now about the other one...???


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Re: Sierra Cascades Piedra route mystery.
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2011, 08:37:35 am »
It stumps me. I'd guess you were heading for the Pine Flat Rec Area CG, which you would reach from Elwood Road on Pine Flat Road just before the river. Even if you turned left from Trimmer Springs Road north of Piedra on Pine Flat Road, you would cross the Corp of Engineers bridge and reach the campground. That bridge looks fine on Google Maps satellite view, and also in photos from the ground.

I poked around with the satellite view and could not find anything within plausible range that looks like this old bridge. You would not have been as far off course as ten miles, would you? I know that can happen. I've done it.


Offline PeteJack

Re: Sierra Cascades Piedra route mystery.
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2011, 11:05:00 am »
Thanks for taking the trouble Fred. it's a real headscratcher. I wonder if there is an unmapped road before Pine Flat Rd. I have come across these with Google Maps but only with new developments. The road up to this bridge was narrow, had grass in the middle in parts, was shoulderless and obviously didn't get much traffic but the asphalt did go all the way to this wreck. I was stood on asphalt taking the picture. Now of course I regret not taking more shots.  :'( Ain't that always the way?

Maybe there are kayakers/rafters who know this bridge. it's pretty distinctive! I'll see if i can find any on the web.

Offline John Nettles

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Re: Sierra Cascades Piedra route mystery.
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2011, 11:29:24 am »
Disclaimer:  I live in Tulsa and only did my analysis using Google Maps so you get what you pay for  ;D

Since you provide only limited info to go on, if I had to guess, you would find the bridge at the GPS coordinates of 36.818823,-119.341822 .  Copy and paste the coordinates into Google Maps and see the satellite view.  It shows a narrow bridge that has closed (see the white barrier on the SE side of the bridge).  The road (Pine Flat Rd.) leads to what appears as a campground on the south side of Kings River SE of the bridge that crosses the river below the dam.  The bridge crosses Mill Creek which is a tributary of Kings River.  From your picture, the bridge doesn't appear to cross a river but a stream.

My guess is after the store, you went left and crossed over the river to the park for lunch then went east Elwood Rd to Pine Flat Rd (the one on the south side of the river).  It appears you should have taken the Pine Flat Rd on the north side of the river (via Trimmer Springs Rd) then crossed the river at the COE office.

If you think this is wrong (remember my disclaimer!), it would help if you could give more detailed info as to how you got there.  For instance, if leaving the park we turned right onto Piedra Rd. then left onto Elwood Rd.  The bridge we know was before "X" and after "Y".


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Re: Sierra Cascades Piedra route mystery.
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2011, 11:57:00 am »
Bingo! Nice work, John, especially thinking of tributaries.

Pete, if you agree with this find, I will submit a map correction because the service directory is truly ambiguous, "Upper Pine Flat Recreation Area Campground (county), from town, 1 mi. E., then off route 2.2 mi. E. on Pine Flat Rd., 488-3004."

One can go east from town on E. Trimmer Springs Rd. (correct) or on Elmwood Rd. (wrong!). Once started down the wrong path, who would question the small discrepancy in distance?

I will suggest "Upper Pine Flat Recreation Area Campground (county), from town, 1 mi. E. on E. Trimmer Springs Rd. to Post Office, then off route 2.2 mi. E. on Pine Flat Rd., 488-3004."


Offline PeteJack

Re: Sierra Cascades Piedra route mystery.
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2011, 07:28:42 pm »
  I think John is right we almost certainly never reached Kings River. From the ACA map (and Google Maps traffic view) it looks as though you can get to the Corps campground from Elwood Rd. along Pine Flat Rd which is what we were trying to do to avoid going back through Piedra. We were still in sight of Elwood Rd at the derelict bridge. there was no indication at the start of the road that it was impassable! Thanks John, mystery solved


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Re: Sierra Cascades Piedra route mystery.
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2011, 07:55:06 pm »
OK! I have suggested they also omit from the map the Pine Flat Rd. stretch between the river and Elwood Rd, as that bridge is clearly not about to be replaced.


Offline PeteJack

Re: Sierra Cascades Piedra route mystery.
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2011, 08:07:29 pm »
Should I submit an addendum to this effect?


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Re: Sierra Cascades Piedra route mystery.
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2011, 08:12:20 pm »
I just submitted one, using the map correction form on the web site.
