Author Topic: FS Koga Selgo touring handlebars/ trekking bars  (Read 9878 times)

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Offline mootoxybb

FS Koga Selgo touring handlebars/ trekking bars
« on: December 12, 2011, 11:31:38 am »
Hello, I have a slightly used Koga selgo touring or trekking handlebars for sale.  I used these for about 2 rides until I sold my touring bike.  These are the best touring/trekking bars I've ever seen, multible hand positions, plenty of space for gps, lights, computer, flat screen tv, etc.  They also have aero bars for getting low in the wind.  Aero bars can be detached in 30 seconds.
email me and I'll send some photos.  My photo's were to large to send through the post.  These bars retail for $320.00, selling for half price at $160.00
Thanks to everyone...

Offline wdunkin

Re: FS Koga Selgo touring handlebars/ trekking bars
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2012, 05:47:33 pm »
Hey, do you still have the bars.  Thanks Wade

Offline wsharp

Re: FS Koga Selgo touring handlebars/ trekking bars
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2012, 10:57:40 am »
I'd like some photos if these are still available. thanks, wendy

Offline officerdare

Re: FS Koga Selgo touring handlebars/ trekking bars
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2012, 02:37:02 pm »
Good morning!  Are the bars still available?
Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas, Fortitudine Vincimus
Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever, By Endurance We Conquer

Offline amstip

Re: FS Koga Selgo touring handlebars/ trekking bars
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2012, 01:08:01 am »
Hello, I have a slightly used Koga selgo touring or trekking handlebars for sale.  I used these for about 2 rides until I sold my touring bike.  These are the best touring/trekking bars I've ever seen, multible hand positions, plenty of space for gps, lights, computer, flat screen tv, etc.  They also have aero bars for getting low in the wind.  Aero bars can be detached in 30 seconds.
email me and I'll send some photos.  My photo's were to large to send through the post.  These bars retail for $320.00, selling for half price at $160.00
Thanks to everyone...

Hi, Do you still have them?

