Author Topic: How to follow a route on Garmin Edge without stored map?  (Read 8021 times)

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Offline mdxix

How to follow a route on Garmin Edge without stored map?
« on: December 26, 2011, 05:50:41 pm »
I am planning a trip to Japan's Shikoku island to bicycle the 88 temple pilgrimage route. My Gamin Edge 705 does not have Japan map on it.

What tools do you use to chart the route? What type of data do you store the file in: route, track, or course? What problems have you had?

I plan to use an online mapping service, like Once the route is complete, I will transfer it as GPX track.

I tested this in the US and seems to work. I removed the maps from the unit. Charted a route. And tried to navigate it.

Everything worked fine. I was able to follow the route without problems. Instead of specific prompts, like "turn right on Main Street", the GPS displayed more generic ones like "Go South". And of course there was no map in the background.

What is your experience with using the GPS without a map?

Offline U2bike

Re: How to follow a route on Garmin Edge without stored map?
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2011, 04:36:00 pm »
Using tracks is indeed the best way. You can even add some waypoints to the track which makes it easier to navigate (using Mapsource) . I used this method a lot on my Edge 705 in France without any problems finding the route and on a vacation in Thailand I already added the hotel locations as waypoints. For back up you simply take a regular map in case you're in doubt.

Offline U2bike

Re: How to follow a route on Garmin Edge without stored map?
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2011, 09:35:38 am »
In addition to my previous comment. I usually check my tracks upfront by displaying them on Google Earth. This can prevent ending up on e.g. unpaved routes and/or gives you smarter routes in and out cities.