Author Topic: Recommended routes in Texas Hill Country  (Read 7069 times)

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Offline dekroodsma

Recommended routes in Texas Hill Country
« on: January 13, 2012, 12:10:30 pm »
I'd love to bike the Texas Hill Country this April, but can't make the ACA tour.
Does anyone have a recommended route for a week (or more), or maybe even might be willing to share the ACA maps that have been used previously. (By policy, ACA doesn't sell tour maps.)
Many thanks.
Don Kroodsma

Offline JimF

Re: Recommended routes in Texas Hill Country
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2012, 01:41:53 pm »
Take a look at
There are others on the site perhaps worth looking at. (I'm relocating to north Texas and have been searching bike tours in the state, a surprising diversity.) Good riding.

Offline RussSeaton

Re: Recommended routes in Texas Hill Country
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2012, 02:01:02 pm »
Texas Hill Country, Fredericksburg, TX, is where Texas Hell Week happens in mid March each year.  Its 8 days of 30-100 miles.  Couple hundred people show up.  They stay in motels in Fredericksburg and leave and return there each day.  If your plan is to get a motel in the area and ride for a week, then you don't really need routes.  Just get a compass and go ride so many miles then find a road back.  There are endless roads in the area.  Not sure Hell Week has its routes on PDF but you can try to find them on the internet.

Offline PeterOb

Re: Recommended routes in Texas Hill Country
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2012, 10:11:52 pm »
I live in North Texas and have done several self-supported trips down there, usually for 4-5 days at a time.  I like riding out on the western edge of the hill country a bit better (Leakey area), as it tends to get busier closer to Austin.  Bandera, Hunt, Fredreciskburg were some of the towns I enjoyed the most.  Texas has some good state parks for camping out there.  Garner, Lost Maples, Enchanted Rock and Inks Lake were pretty good for camping.  Strongly recommend the Willow City loop N. of Fredricksburg, and a stop in Llano at Coopers for the best smoked pork chop in the world.  Just stick to the roads designated as either Farm to Market or Ranch Roads and you should have a great trip.