Author Topic: Long distance trip alone?  (Read 53203 times)

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Offline RussSeaton

Re: Long distance trip alone?
« Reply #45 on: March 22, 2012, 12:42:59 pm »
Can't recall if I've already responded to this topic.  But here is another answer.  I've toured alone and with others.  Usually 1-2-3 other people.  The solo trips were always longer more extensive tours.  Europe for a summer, two weeks in Colorado, two weeks in Portugal-Spain.  Solo trips were generally 2-3 day trips to the start of a week long ride like RAGBRAI.  On the summer tour of Europe I occasionally met other cyclists I rode with for a few days until our paths split.  I enjoyed touring alone and riding with others.  For logistics, its easier to tour alone.  No coordination necessary.  Decisions are easy.  Long trips are easier to arrange when its just you.  The trips with others were always enjoyable because of the constant companionship.  The irritation was always minor.  On the summer trip it was very pleasant to ride with others for a few days when I met them while riding.  A pleasant difference.  Can't recall ever being bored riding alone.  The constant activity of touring, riding, camping, eating, sightseeing, etc. seems to keep me occupied from awaking to sleeping.  I might fall into both camps.  I'll happily tour alone and I'll happily tour with others.

Offline Sectrix

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Re: Long distance trip alone?
« Reply #46 on: March 26, 2012, 11:02:17 am »
From my own personal experience, it was harder to ride alone. I went on my first tour in 2009 on the TA (E to W), and a longtime friend of mine came with me. After the Knott County Historical Society (strange guy, he is), we both went back home to Chicago because of money. I was loaned some by my mom, so I went back to Hazard to start again - alone.

For me, it was much harder this way. There was nobody to push through the miles with you. Maybe it's because it was my first tour, but it seemed much less fun when there wasn't someone there suffering with you. It became more of a struggle everyday to get to the next campground. I stayed on for two more weeks then called it off. But that's just me, YMMV.

Also, early in the trip just outside Charlottesville, I ran my bike off the road going down a hill. Hit a rock at something like 20 miles an hour - trashed my shiny new Mavic and forks. While doing a backflip over my handlebars, I was very happy to see my buddy riding behind me. In fact, I distinctly remember thinking that. That being said, a passerby stopped within literally 60 seconds to see if everything was OK, and we were offered a ride within an hour.

Offline John Nelson

Re: Long distance trip alone?
« Reply #47 on: March 26, 2012, 12:06:46 pm »
it seemed much less fun when there wasn't someone there suffering with you
Suffering? There's not supposed to be any suffering on a tour!

Offline Pat Lamb

Re: Long distance trip alone?
« Reply #48 on: March 26, 2012, 02:31:25 pm »
it seemed much less fun when there wasn't someone there suffering with you
Suffering? There's not supposed to be any suffering on a tour!

I think he meant, "Enjoying the adventure!"


Offline staehpj1

Re: Long distance trip alone?
« Reply #49 on: March 26, 2012, 02:39:27 pm »
Suffering? There's not supposed to be any suffering on a tour!
Hmmm, I must be doing it wrong :)

Offline Sectrix

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Re: Long distance trip alone?
« Reply #50 on: March 27, 2012, 04:38:42 pm »
It isn't really suffering suffering - not like how some people in the world suffer anyway. It's more of a constant, pervasive discomfort.

After going back alone, each day became more hills, more dogs, more miles in the saddle. I was also riding late in the season in the less popular direction, so I didn't see many other riders in the part I accomplished. Without someone there, it just become a mental challenge to keep going alone.

In any case I wouldn't hesitate to try going solo again.
My advice:
1)Safety somewhat less when riding alone
2)May be more challenging alone, especially if it's the first tour
3)Plan and prepare for what you can, and do it anyway