Author Topic: Cell phone  (Read 5699 times)

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Offline dreitman

Cell phone
« on: February 02, 2012, 12:10:12 am »
Planning southern tier ride.  I have Verizon cell phone service.  How is cell phone service in remote areas of new Mexico & Arizona?


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Re: Cell phone
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2012, 09:27:31 am »
Have you checked Verizon's on-line coverage map? I checked the map before last summer's trip in MT. It seemed a bit "conservative" in the sense that I had a good signal in at least one area where the map suggested I would have problems. Where I was supposed to have a signal I always did.

Offline staehpj1

Re: Cell phone
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2012, 09:39:30 am »
Have you checked Verizon's on-line coverage map? I checked the map before last summer's trip in MT. It seemed a bit "conservative" in the sense that I had a good signal in at least one area where the map suggested I would have problems. Where I was supposed to have a signal I always did.
My experience with Verizon is similar.  I think they have the best coverage of any carrier in the US.

BTW, I have found that, regardless of carrier, text messages and even emails will often send and receive when voice calls fail due to poor signal.  If you want/need to stay in touch daily, having family or work check for text messages allows contact from many locations where a voice call is not possible.

I plan to use my work supplied AT&T Blackberry on the southern tier despite it's poorer coverage since I am too cheap to buy a data plan for my personal Verizon phone.  Anyone have experience with AT&T on the ST?  The map looks like coverage will be a bit spotty but frequently available.

Offline John Nelson

Re: Cell phone
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2012, 10:55:00 am »
I used a Verizon smart phone on the TransAm. My coverage wasn't always exactly as shown on the map, but coverage can vary from one block to the next. In some places, I could text but not call. In some places, I could text but not include pictures in my text. In some places, I could call but not email. In some places, I could email but not call or text. Flexibility is the key. I studied the map ahead of time so that I could warn my friends and family when I might have days coming up without coverage. On the TransAm, that meant eastern Kentucky, Mammoth Cave NP, eastern Missouri, near the Colorado-Kansas border, southern and central Wyoming, parts of Montana and eastern Idaho. When cell coverage wasn't available, I would look for unsecured Wi-Fi.