Author Topic: Lewis & Clark, Section 1, Missouri - Katy Trail - 2013 spring flooding  (Read 5474 times)

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Offline JHamelman

We've received a report that sections of the Katy Trail, which makes up the route on maps 1-8 of Lewis & Clark Section 1, are closed due to flooding.

The best resource for information is Missouri State Parks website:
Once there, scroll to the bottom to see Alerts and Advisories under the Things to Know heading on the right. From there, choose Katy Trail State Park from the drop down menu to see the most current report.

The report as of June 5 is here:

Missouri Dept of Transportation has an interactive map showing the flooding conditions across the state:

It is advisable to avoid Routes O and F around Fulton. They are narrow and carry a lot of traffic. If you must use them, 8am to 2 pm are probably the best hours, 3-5pm the worst.

You can use the resources from the Missouri Bike-Ped Program to help find detours as needed:

« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 03:34:42 pm by JMilyko »

Jennifer Hamelman

Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring and empowering people to travel by bicycle.
800/755-2453, 406/721-1776 x205

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