Author Topic: Best double kickstand for mountain bike? (compatible with 2-inch-plus tire)  (Read 8314 times)

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Offline HakamDin

I just bought one of the last USA-made Cannondales, a 29'er mountain bike.  It is absolutely awesome!  I had the bike shop mount an Esge double kickstand to my new 29'er, but the 2.2" tires appear too wide.  In order to mount the kickstand with enough clearance for the tire, the kickstand is now offset in a position where my heel can strike it while pedaling.   

Does the Pletscher double kickstand have a similar problem fitting around mountain tires?  I may have to simply look into replacing my 2.2" tire with a 1.8" for clearance.  Thanks for any suggestions on how to make a working compromise.

Offline driftlessregion

If you don't have your heart set on a double kickstand check out this option:

Offline BrianW

The Pletscher and ESGE kickstands are the same thing. I believe Pletscher bought out ESGE. In any event, same design. You could try grinding part of it away if that would help any. I did this on my tandem to allow for better cable routing.

Offline onebikeoneworld

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I definitely agree with the Click-Stand. It's a phenomenal product and holds my touring bike with no problems.
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