Author Topic: Downloading data from Garmin to PC  (Read 19629 times)

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Offline Tim

Downloading data from Garmin to PC
« on: December 07, 2011, 11:29:44 am »
I'm about to pick up a Garmin GPSmap60Cx and have a question about downloading the daily activity.  Next April I'll start the ride  (western express to the TA) for my charity event (  I would like to maintain a daily log of GPS information and the map60cx seems to be the best fit.  But I wasnt sure how it transfer's data from the device to a Netbook that I'll travel with.  The reason for the netbook is that it takes a USB port and the Garmin 60cx has the USB cable included. 

My question is this...  Does anyone know what the display looks like (what kind of file is transfered to a PC) and can I transfer the waypoint and such to a BING map or Google mapping platform.  If there is a weblink out there to walk me throught that would be great. 

And before anyone jumps on me "YES I have researched the ACA site for this info and none of my keywords brought up my answer".

I'm still researching touring / mapping websites to update everyone on my progress.

Many thanks ahead of time.
A Ride Dedicated
The Unconditional Sacrifices Made Every Day.


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Re: Downloading data from Garmin to PC
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2011, 04:31:08 pm »
Hi Tim. You are right; the advice on the ACA web site is mostly about getting data into the GPS receiver (GPSR), not getting it out.

Did you buy a set of maps to go with the 60Cx? You should, to get the most utility out of it on the road. Included with the maps is the MapSource program, with runs nicely on a netbook and provides a single place to do all the things you need:

 * Edit the ACA routes to fit your own preferences,
 * Build your own routes, mark new waypoints,
 * Transfer these to the GPSR,
 * Transfer daily tracks logs to the netbook, and
 * Display them on the Garmin maps.

The MapSource user interface is clunky, but has all the necessary functions and works well once you get used to it.

The 60Cx does not transfer a file, but a serial data stream on the USB port to the computer. MapSource can write your track logs as GPX files, among others. GPX is widely accepted, and many web sites can read them and plot them on Google Maps. There probably are sites to transfer to Bing as well, but I have not used them.

What does the display look like? You see a road map, a toolbar, the ACA route if you have downloaded it, any track logs you have transferred, thousands of points of interest, and any waypoints you have loaded (e.g. campsites from ACA). An optional panel shows waypoints, routes, and track logs in tabular format.

If you have not bought maps for the GPSR, all the transfer functions are available with G7ToWin and numerous other free programs. They are harder to use, without the mapping functions.


Offline Tim

Re: Downloading data from Garmin to PC
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2011, 01:37:56 am »
Thank you for a very acurate and thorough response.  I'll cut and paste this to my ride data base for use on the Garmin. Love this site.

Thanks a bunch.

A Ride Dedicated
The Unconditional Sacrifices Made Every Day.

Offline fdore45

Re: Downloading data from Garmin to PC
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2012, 01:19:37 pm »
To Tim & Fred,
I have same interest in importing 60CSx track points to a Google map.  I did a tour on Katy Trail,   in Oct. 2011 and recorded tracks on the 60.  During the tour maintained travel log on Crazy Guy site;
I Have since transfered the track and elevation data to the Mapsource on my PC.  However, its not apparent to me how to convert the tracks to GPX format, and to import to a Google map.  I like to be able have a Google map of my daily routes, and a plot of the route profile.
Fred, your statement, "MapSource can write your track logs as GPX files, among others.  GPX is widely accepted, and many web sites can read them and plot them on Google Maps."  would seem to indicate you know the method.  Can you please elaborate on the specifics of that process....
Fred in Michigan

Offline U2bike

Re: Downloading data from Garmin to PC
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2012, 01:41:07 pm »
I use a different procedure (Edge 705). I've downloaded Garmin Training Center. You just connect your GPS to your computer, you upload the track with all the data on speed, heart rate, altitude and everything else recorded and you can analyse it. These tracks can be exported easily towards GPX and uploaded to many other platforms (and e.g. imported in MapSource if you want to change the track e.g. for your next trip). Garmin also has an online tool called Garminconnect. You can directly upload your track plus performance data to your own portal on Garminconnect and publish your track + other data if you would like to share your track with others. ( as example).


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Re: Downloading data from Garmin to PC
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2012, 08:21:07 pm »
... Fred, your statement, "MapSource can write your track logs as GPX files, among others.  GPX is widely accepted, and many web sites can read them and plot them on Google Maps."  would seem to indicate you know the method.  Can you please elaborate on the specifics of that process...
Hi Fred in Michigan,

Actually, I do not know the specifics. I just read the descriptions that say they accept GPX. A Google search for gpx google maps turns up so many sites that do it, I have to think the Google API is really easy to program, and the major chore for us users would be to find the sites that have the functions and the reliability that we want.

My usual source for all things GPS,, links to reviews of some in their Geography -Maps, Datums, Waypoint Lists, Formulas section.

If you find one you like, please post a mini-review here. I think several of us would be interested.

Fred in Vermont

Offline Tim

Re: Downloading data from Garmin to PC
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2012, 11:05:38 am »
I've tried to use that Garmin Connect for the last 2 months and can not even create an account.  I've sent multiple emails and have never heard back.  This is a free service and do not trust it.  I know some have found it as a solution but if it will not create an account then i do not trust it to maintain my data.  I've given up and decieded to use the following service.

This is a great site but does not give you all the bells and whistles that Garmin connnect give you.

edit - spoke to Garmin today and got set up on the Connect platform.  I didn't like how small it embeds into my site so I'll probably stay with the mapping service above.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2012, 06:36:40 pm by Tim »
A Ride Dedicated
The Unconditional Sacrifices Made Every Day.

Offline bruceeday

Re: Downloading data from Garmin to PC
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2012, 05:48:19 pm »
I too use Mapsource and Garmin City navigator to upload, download and manipulate data between my computer and gps. It is a chore to learn but once done, it is great. My biggest complaint is having to purchase new basemaps every few years to keep up with the rapidly changing roads in the Southeast.  If one wants to simply download data from the unit to a computer, Easy gps  works great.  It's free,lightweight and simple to set up.  As far as I know and with a quick Google, can't see an easy way to import gpx data into plain Google maps but both Mapmyride and Ridewithwithgps offer gpx import and use Google for their base maps.