Author Topic: For CC Touring:Trek 1.2 or Surly LHT?  (Read 26767 times)

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Offline DaveB

Re: For CC Touring:Trek 1.2 or Surly LHT?
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2012, 09:29:20 am »
I think he was talking about tire width...
Yesh, now that I read it again, you're right.  I saw the same number (25) and replied incorrectly.

Offline Gif4445

Re: For CC Touring:Trek 1.2 or Surly LHT?
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2012, 11:47:44 am »
Yes Joe B, the LBS that I use now could order the bike, but I wanted to ride one first and they did not stock any.   The shop where I purchased the bike had several and since my height was a "tweener", I rode a 56" and 54" to see which was the better fit.  The guy that sold me the bike had ridden to work on a LHT and had been on several long trips with it.   I couldn't get that and the advice at my LBS.  I still want to patronize the local, and will every chance I get, but I think I made the right call in this case.

Offline Gif4445

Re: For CC Touring:Trek 1.2 or Surly LHT?
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2012, 10:28:03 pm »
Took the maiden voyage on the LHT today and I really, really like how it rides.  Very smooth.  Only did 27 miles, and of course unloaded except for a small rack bag, but she's a lot gentler on my body than the Trek 1.2.  The Surly is heavier, but for some reason I rode about .5 to 1 mph above my normal pace.   Love the bike!

Offline jrswenberger

Re: For CC Touring:Trek 1.2 or Surly LHT?
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2012, 11:53:06 am »
Yes Joe B, the LBS that I use now could order the bike, but I wanted to ride one first and they did not stock any.   The shop where I purchased the bike had several and since my height was a "tweener", I rode a 56" and 54" to see which was the better fit.  The guy that sold me the bike had ridden to work on a LHT and had been on several long trips with it.   I couldn't get that and the advice at my LBS.  I still want to patronize the local, and will every chance I get, but I think I made the right call in this case.
Took the maiden voyage on the LHT today and I really, really like how it rides.  Very smooth.  Only did 27 miles, and of course unloaded except for a small rack bag, but she's a lot gentler on my body than the Trek 1.2.  The Surly is heavier, but for some reason I rode about .5 to 1 mph above my normal pace.   Love the bike!

I was in the same position recently. The Trek 560 I've been riding for 26 years is a 56 c-c and the 56 LHT was easily too big. The 54 fits like a glove. I only found this out by driving to a shop that actually stocks Surlys. It is a comfortable and predictable ride. I've been putting some miles on it through my daily commute and some longer weekend rides and I'm very happy with the purchase. Racks and fenders have been installed and my new Ortleibs arrive later this week. Time to hit the road!!!

Enjoy the ride,
ACA Life Member 368

Offline Wuwei

Re: For CC Touring:Trek 1.2 or Surly LHT?
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2012, 09:45:53 pm »
You can't go wrong with the LHT. It rides even better loaded. I use mine as a daily commuter and have done 5000+ mile tours on it.

Offline patrickstoneking

Re: For CC Touring:Trek 1.2 or Surly LHT?
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2012, 10:42:14 am »
Thanks everyone for the advice.  I need to clarify some things.  My cycling nomenclature is flawed.  It wasn't long ago that I first learned the term "pannier".  I just thought they were saddle bags, until someone called them panniers.  And I ran wild with it.  For the record, I carried about 25 lbs of stuff on my rear rack, including the Bontrager interchange unit and two SADDLEBAGS.  Sorry for the confusion.  But I really spent too much time on the  carry-on and not enough time explaining what my real question is.  With that amount of load, I know I can use my Trek 1.2.  But I'm curious to know how much better (if any) the Surly LHT would ride with a load like that?  (BTW, I'm currently 210 lbs and shrinking, so that may be a factor.)I'm talking the wear and tear on my body from road cracks, bumps etc.  I know the LHT can be loaded down and performs nicely.  Maybe I've got it wrong, but CCT to me means the bike selection is in the category of "tweener".  I guess we all like to classify things.  Thanks indyfabz for bring that to our attention.   And thanks Russ, for destroying all my cycling confidence.  At least until I figure this all out.   Just kidding, I appreciate all of your input.  I've at least learned to use resources other than the LBS.  I thought with my limited experience I could count on theirs.  Most of the problems I had on my short tour were the result of that "advice".  Rack, saddle bags, inferior tires.  But it was a hell of a good time anyway.  Keep the suggestions  coming!

My advice - ride whatever you have but get out there and ride.  If the bike doesn't work to your satisfaction try something different.  I have 12 bikes, from full carbon race bikes, xc mountain bikes, hard tails, , touring bikes, etc.  The bike I do most of my trips on?  A butted steel 27 year old Bianchi Nyala mountain bike.  Weighs a ton, has too short a wheel base so my foot occasionally hits my bags, etc.    However, I have been riding it since 1985 and it has never failed me.  With touring tires I can average 14 mph all day cause the gearing and I are meant to be.  And boy oh boy have we had adventures. 

My new Disc Trucker is fantastic and may become my default touring bike sometime in the future but that old, beat up Bianchi is, right now, my hands down winner.