Author Topic: Weather: Transamerica E to W for fast cyclists  (Read 12947 times)

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Offline BikeFreak

Weather: Transamerica E to W for fast cyclists
« on: October 11, 2011, 12:53:15 pm »

I'm planning to do the Transamerica (E-W) and Sierra Cascades (N-S) in the summer of 2012. I will arrive in Washington Dulles Airport and pick up the Transamerica Trail somewhere south of. Thus, I will not backtrack to Yorktown. The thing is I am riding fast: On average I do 125 mi a day with no rest days at all. This is my riding style and I am happy with it. Thus, the entire trip will be approx 6300 mi/50 days.

I would like to avoid too much heat in the East and as a result start somewhere around late may. However, already 2200 mi/18 days later I should be in Pueblo, the beginnig of the Rockies I believe. That should be mid-june. 1100 mi/9 days later (end of June) I should arrive in Missoula. That should be end-june/start-july. In between I have the Hoosier Pass.

Can anyone comment on the weather conditions in the Rockies in June? Should I leave Washington DC 1 month later and accept more heat in the East?

I see that going E-W is perfect when riding at a slow pace  :)

Thanks in advance,


Offline John Nelson

Re: Weather: Transamerica E to W for fast cyclists
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2011, 01:57:06 pm »
Weather in the Rockies in mid-June is as good as you're going to get. Days should be perfect weather. Nights may get down close to freezing at the higher of the elevations you'll be likely to spend the night. Your plan sounds great to me. Slower riders may be better to start in early May, but as a faster rider, late May is perfect for you. Also, you'll get to Yellowstone before July 4, which should make the crowds lighter there.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2011, 02:01:28 pm by John Nelson »

Offline RussSeaton

Re: Weather: Transamerica E to W for fast cyclists
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2011, 03:41:05 pm »
I've ridden in the Colorado Rockies a few times.  Mid June, late June, early July, and early September.  All 1 to 2 week rides.  The June rides all had good weather.  The numerous passes had good weather.  Nothing extreme for rain or snow or cold.  Pleasant riding.  The July ride had some unpleasant weather.  Going from Idaho Springs to Dillon over Loveland Pass.  It snowed a couple miles from the top and a couple miles down the other side.  Hard snow and windy.  And cold.  But pleasant weather in Idaho Springs and Dillon, the valleys.  The September ride had rain and cold on Red Mountain pass and in Silverton.  But pleasant weather going from Silverton to Durango after a day of rest holed up in Silverton.

The weather in mid to late June in the Rockies can vary from sunny, warm and wonderful to cold, rainy, snowy and miserable.  But even if the weather is awful at the passes, it does not last long.  Half hour or so before the top and then 10 minutes of descent.  And the 30 minutes or so of climbing isn't bad because you are generating plenty of body heat.  I went over Loveland Pass in the snow and cold with just shorts, short sleeve jersey and a garbage bag wind vest put on at the top.  Wasn't ideal, but I made it.  No gloves, no balaclava, no tights, no jacket, no booties.  I would advise carrying a wind/water proof jacket though.

Offline BikeFreak

Re: Weather: Transamerica E to W for fast cyclists
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2011, 05:01:42 pm »
Thanks for your answers.

Summer 2000 I did the Northern Tier (E-W) + Pacific Coast (N-S). Actually I started in Halifax Nova Scotia and connected with the Northern Tier in Maine. Anyhow, I started in mid june and can report the following:

Absolutely perfect weather all the way to the Pacific Coast. I probably reached the Rockies around mid-july and everything was perfect. Maybe some chilly mornings but warm days. Even the passes were not cold and no snow at all. I know, the passes on the Northern Tier are not so high ...

Then the Pacific Coast was cold and misty almost all the way to Santa Barbara. That was really not enjoyable.

But comparing to my upcoming adventure, I will do the Rockies approx. 1 month earlier. That was just my concern.

One of the main reasons for my initial post was also the McKenzie Pass which has been discussed numerous times in this forum. Apparently it might be closed even in mid-july ....


Offline John Nelson

Re: Weather: Transamerica E to W for fast cyclists
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2011, 09:33:20 pm »
Yes, McKenzie Pass might be closed in mid-July (actually, I think you'll get there in early July), but probably not. And there's a good alternative on the slim chance that you need it (although not quite as scenic).

Offline BikeFreak

Re: Weather: Transamerica E to W for fast cyclists
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2012, 01:34:27 pm »
I'm about to order the plane tickets very soon and would like to know if anyone have a general update on the snow conditions in the Rockies so far. We are approaching March and spring time slowly sets in. Has it been a winter with a reduced amount of snow with chances of early mountain pass openings (anyone with a link to some conditions?)? I know it sounds silly, but I need to choose between 2nd June or 26th May. I just don't want any snowy passes.

I have reviewed the maps and will NOT be doing McKenzie anyway (because I will pick up the Sierra Cascades)


Offline valygrl

Re: Weather: Transamerica E to W for fast cyclists
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2012, 09:42:20 pm »
It's been a low snow year in the Rockies.  The TransAmerica passes you will be using in Colorado will be open - they don't actually ever close - and the roads will be snow-free unless it's actually snowing when you are there (possible at any time of year).  That said, if you mean you would be in the Rockies either 5/26 or 6/2, I would choose the later date.  We will still be getting snow through March/April, and the later the better in terms of more stable and warm weather in the CO mountains, and especially in Yellowstone - which is probably going to be the coldest place on the trip.  If you plan to camp in Yellowstone, you might be still too early for many campgrounds to be open.

Do bring real rain/cold weather gear, expect thunderstorms mid-day on the tops of the passes, but you'll probably have gorgeous spring-like weather most of the time. 

Here's some info about Yellowstone winter road conditions:

Offline John Nelson

Re: Weather: Transamerica E to W for fast cyclists
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2012, 09:54:14 pm »
Has it been a winter with a reduced amount of snow with chances of early mountain pass
It's too early to ask. March is our snowiest month. We're below average now, but we could easily be above average in a month. If I remember correctly, however, I believe you are starting in the East and doing the TransAm westbound with high-mileage days. So you'll have roughly 2400 miles under your belt by the time you get to the Rockies. Even at 100 miles a day, that'll take you 24 days. Your early option of flying on May 26 would then put you at the foot of the Rockies on June 18 at the earliest. There is almost zero chance of Hoosier Pass being snowpacked on June 18, no matter what kind of winter we have.

Offline BikeFreak

Re: Weather: Transamerica E to W for fast cyclists
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2012, 12:34:11 pm »
Now there's no way back. Arrival will be 2nd of June. See you on the road.


Offline BikeFreak

Re: Weather: Transamerica E to W for fast cyclists
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2012, 07:10:07 am »

It's too early to ask. March is our snowiest month. We're below average now, but we could easily be above average in a month.

Hi John,

Any updates on the snow/winter conditions in the Rockies?


Offline John Nelson

Re: Weather: Transamerica E to W for fast cyclists
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2012, 01:14:54 pm »
April was also dry. Current snowpack on Hoosier Pass is 36% of average.

Offline BikeFreak

Re: Weather: Transamerica E to W for fast cyclists
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2012, 07:48:09 pm »
April was also dry. Current snowpack on Hoosier Pass is 36% of average.

Thanks :-)