Author Topic: Fitting a Brooks Saddle  (Read 46934 times)

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Offline longhaulblue

Re: Fitting a Brooks Saddle
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2011, 01:21:19 pm »

It seems like no matter what I tried, I kept having the following problems:
- I kept slipping forward into the nose of the saddle.  Feels like there's virtually no friction/grip between me and the leather.
- There's WAY too much weight on my hands as a result of me trying to keep myself from slipping forward.  Feels like my entire upper body is supported by my arms.
- Instead of feeling my weight resting on the back of the saddle and pressure on my sit bones (which I'd be OK with during the "break-in" period), I feel most of the pressure right under my groin, especially when I slide forward onto the nose.

Basically, I'm looking for advice in how to adjust the saddle to alleviate these problems, as I'm sure this can't be part of break-in period.  Please help me figure out how to get the weight off my hands and on my butt so I can start putting in some miles with this saddle!

I had the same problem with my brand new Brooks.  No friction between me and the leather.  No problem with the sliding into the nose of the saddle.  Just the slipping around on the seat.  But that soon went away.   I can't remember how long it took to break it in.  I've clocked about 2000 mi since I put the saddle on at the beginning of summer.

No proofide.  Maybe when falls comes around and it gets rainier.  I remember reading someone recommend how to break them: time and butt sweat.   Worked for me.  :)

Offline driftlessregion

Re: Fitting a Brooks Saddle
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2012, 08:07:06 pm »
Put on a new B-17 this week. Rode 35 two days ago then 80 today. Not as soft as my older B-17 but felt good nevertheless. I think the key was I put it on at exactly the same spot as the one I took off which was set by my professional fit. I had to adjust the tilt (hardest part of keeping true to the fit when putting it on) up a couple of degrees  to keep from sliding forward. Now I sit right where I should. The slipperyness lasted only 20 miles. By contrast my Brooks Pro took hundreds of miles to feel as good as this one did in less than 100. Again, the key was the professional fit.

Offline driftlessregion

Re: Fitting a Brooks Saddle
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2012, 10:14:18 pm »
OK, I was a little  too optimistic about how good the saddle felt right away. After the 30 and 80 milers, I did 107 Saturday then 60 Sunday this past weekend and ended up with bruises under my sit bones.

Offline nlsteve

Re: Fitting a Brooks Saddle
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2012, 01:39:23 pm »
Hopefully you got those bruises only because of your ambitious break-in rides, and the worst is past. 

Assuming that a Brooks saddle does become comfortable for you, consider that a lot of touring-types like to adjust it back (aft on the seatpost) to get the rider's hips farther behind the crank.  This takes some weight off the hands, to relieve problems with the hands or neck.

Because the Brooks doesn't adjust much fore & aft, you may need to get a setback seatpost to make this work.  I just bought one from Sheldon Brown's store and am giving it a shot. 

Of course, moving weight from your hands to your seat isn't going to do you any good at all if the seat is wrong for you.
