Author Topic: City Navigator come w/ full unlock code?  (Read 9298 times)

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Offline hamilgs

City Navigator come w/ full unlock code?
« on: May 02, 2012, 01:00:32 am »
If I buy City Navigator does it come w/ full unlock code for all maps on DVD?  I seem to recall that for some versions 10 years ago, Garmin anted to sell you unlock codes by regions of the USA.

Also, what does "NT" Mean?  Does a 60CSX need or can it use an "NT" version of maps?
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Re: City Navigator come w/ full unlock code?
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2012, 07:24:43 am »
AFAIK, that region unlock policy has not been used for years. Does anyone else know different? You could phone Garmin to be sure.

Several generations ago, Garmin changed the storage format of their maps and called the new format NT. I will guess that it is marketing-speak for New Technology. The 60CSx uses it. The old format did not have a name, but has not been sold since the City Select series 10 or 12 years ago.


Offline hamilgs

Re: City Navigator come w/ full unlock code?
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2012, 08:51:49 pm »
Thanks Fred!
Zippered Tour Easy EX
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Re: City Navigator come w/ full unlock code?
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2012, 05:33:22 pm »

Probably a bit late with any info, but I'll confirm the 'NT' is New Technology and that a 60csx can use it - if you have the capacity on the sd card.  Capacity isn't going to an issue with newer/larger sd cards - not all large cards will work with the csx - and the unit will damage some card, rendering it dead.  Google knows about the problem :)

The NT makes use of a single really large file (>1gig) for all of the area covered; it is simple drag & drop to the gps'r.  A downside is the copying time but once loaded you seldom need to re-copy - and the file can be copied to the sd chip using a faster sd port (either on a laptop or camera/phone) and then the sd is inserted to the unit.  Garmin uses(used) a much slower than USB 1.0 protocol for the interface.

However, Mapsource seems to prefer its maps in smaller sections.  For me, that required, breaking the big map into smaller, CNNANT 2011 (1,317,437,440 bytes) breaks into about 118 maps using MapSetToolKit. 

I've loaded CNNANT and USTOPO100K and the Blue Charts onto a 4gig chip and had enough capacity to add a few other needed files.

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