I've done the ST a number of times. I never had the least bit of trouble at all except for one little thing. Two officers in a border patrol truck pulled up in back of me on that stretch of road between Van Horn and El Paso. I was travelling east to west. I was well past where I 10 deposits you on that side road that goes through all those little towns, where you can look to your left and see Mexico. I pulled over on my touring bike. They asked me if I knew anybody in any of the towns up ahead. I didn't and I said so.
This is what they told me. It's not an exact quote, but it is the message accurately reproduced. If anyone at all yells to you or motions to you to come to where they are, don't go. Just keep right on moving.
I told them thanks for the information. I told them I had enough sense to figure that out for myself, and I thanked them for reinforcing that sense of the area I had already gained. I asked them why they had stopped me to give me that information. They said two people had been found robbed and murdered in one of those little Mexican towns. You know those places. If you're going west you can look left and see the lights from those little towns. They said the people who had been murdered had been somehow lured over there into Mexico from the American side of the border. They didn't tell me much more than that. There was no way in hell I was about to let some stranger on the side of the road divert me into Mexico anyway.
What was the point is posting that information. Well, people usual to this forum have been around the block a few times, and across the continent on bicycles for some. If they can do that, they're experienced enough not to need reminders of the risks that might await veering off the path and going south of the border for a little fun. But all that glitters is not gold. A kindly looking face can hide an evil mind. For those who are younger, and not yet exposed to the evils that men do, I would advise you to think twice before leaving the designated route, and wheeling across the border into some little town at the beck and call of some seemingly friendly stranger who, "just wants you to have a little fun." OK? I'd hammer out danger. I'd hammer out warning.