Author Topic: Biking in the Territory of Guam  (Read 5967 times)

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Offline Hancock

Biking in the Territory of Guam
« on: May 16, 2012, 12:43:25 pm »
Has anyone biked in the Territory of Guam? I don't see any posts on the forum related to it. I wasn't sure where else to post this question.


Offline Reid Robinson

Re: Biking in the Territory of Guam
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2012, 11:28:15 pm »
I was stationed aboard a ship home ported in Guam twenty years ago while in the Navy. It's where I rediscovered bicycling.  Hornet Bicycles is a world class bicycle store/shop. Guam is a beautiful tropical island.  Which means warm, 80 degrees, humid 80percent, occasional rain showers daily. Rain gear is not necessary. The rain is warm. If your not wet from the rain you will be from sweating.  When it does rain the roads are extremely slick.  They don't have gravel, so coral gets mixed in with the asphalt.  When wet it becomes slimy slippery.  it's a small island, you can cover all the roads in one day. The warm, humid, marine environment is very corrosive.  The trick I learned from the locals is once a week wash your bicycle with wd40. As I said it' s a beautiful island you can find white sand beaches with no one on them. As they in Guam: summer never ends.

Offline Hancock

Re: Biking in the Territory of Guam
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2012, 10:00:44 am »
Thank you! Sounds like a dream, and I am definitely going to make a plan to get there.