Author Topic: Feedback on this bike please...  (Read 7015 times)

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Offline Guncutter

Feedback on this bike please...
« on: May 26, 2012, 02:04:20 pm »
So, me and a friend are planning a tour of the Pacific Coast.  It will be for about 4 weeks and involve camping and motels.  Travelling as light as we can but still bringing a tent and the other necessaries for that...

We need bikes on a budget really and are considering the below modesl which are really the top of our budget I'm afraid.  As we are not cyclists any feedback appreciated!

We are in the UK as well, so any other suggestions welcome, but ideally in the same price bracket and from the uk... obviously looking something within budget that will take panniers, mudguards etc.

Thanks a lot!

Offline DaveB

Re: Feedback on this bike please...
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2012, 03:55:05 pm »
Both of these bike seem adequate.  The Marin is an 8-speed but has a better low gear than the 9-speed Merida (a 32T cog vs a 28T cog).  This  can be a real benefit since you say you are "not cyclists" and the Pacific Coast has LOTS of small but steep hills.   The Meridia could be regeared but that's an extra expense you don't need.  Otherwise the components on both are functional and should serve your purpose.    Be sure you buy the correct size for each of you.

Since you will be buying new bikes and aren't mechanically well versed, I recommend you have your dealer (or take them to a dealer if you purchase the bikes via the internet) and:

1. Have the wheels checked for trueness and adequate tension since many machine built wheels on entry level bikes require a going over to make them reliable.   This will be a small amount of money well spent.

2.  Have the dealer check to be sure the shifting works well and reliably.  Have him show you the basics of adjusting it and the brakes.

3.  Purchase at least two extra inner tubes each, tire levers and a frame or mini-pump. 

4.  Learn to change a flat tire if you don't already know how.   

Offline dkoloko

Re: Feedback on this bike please...
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2012, 09:18:59 pm »
Neither bike is a tourer, but each could do.

Speeder has high gearing for a true touring bike. Nine speed will be more easier to get parts than 8-speed. Presumably, "freewheel" is a cassette.

Marin has lower gearing, but I would swap 28 tooth chainwheel for 24 or 22. Specs say rims are 32 hole, while saying rear hub is 36 hole. Thirtysix hole rims are standard for touring road bikes. 28c tires are on small side for touring (some tires marked 28c actually measure just 24c wide). In a poll, half the riders who tried gel saddles were disappointed.

(Ex rugger.)

Offline Guncutter

Re: Feedback on this bike please...
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2012, 04:57:08 am »
Thanks a lot, very helpful!

Offline bikeguyrich

Re: Feedback on this bike please...
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2012, 06:24:17 pm »
Save your shipping money and buy in the states where the bikes are cheaper anyway. Look up KHS touring bikes (very nice and reasonable), exchange rates on the pound and cost of shipping a bike to the Pacific Coast and you will see what I mean.