Author Topic: Recommendations Route from Napa to Martinez Ca.  (Read 6745 times)

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Offline awbikes

Recommendations Route from Napa to Martinez Ca.
« on: May 25, 2012, 12:38:19 am »
Need a Recomendation on the best Route from Napa to Martinez Ca. Would like to avoid high traffic roads and narrow shoulders.

Offline jfitch

Re: Recommendations Route from Napa to Martinez Ca.
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2012, 01:20:18 am »
Sadly, there's no really great way to get from Napa to Martinez. This would be my recommendation for the least trafficky route: There's no getting around riding on Hwy 29 for some of it -- very trafficky, but fairly wide shoulder. I've routed you off of 29 where possible.  The bike path along the south side of Hwy 37, in Vallejo is a bit tricky to find, but it's there. The Scenic Drive portion along the south side of Carquinez Strait is beautiful, though hilly. There's about a 100 foot section of single track there, and some of the pavement is iffy, but most of it is closed to cars. This is the way I usually go to Martinez, except I usually stay on Hwy 29 through American Canyon. I would do it a little differently coming from Martinez to Napa, so if that's the direction you're going, let me know.


Offline awbikes

Re: Recommendations Route from Napa to Martinez Ca.
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2012, 11:34:02 am »
Thanks for the info. Will be going south to Martinez, can deal with the traffic if there is a good shoulder.

Offline jfitch

Re: Recommendations Route from Napa to Martinez Ca.
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2012, 06:21:04 pm »
When are you going to be here? I might ride it with you, just for the hell of it, if I'm in town.
