Author Topic: Going From Vancouver to Longview Washington - A Route Question  (Read 5158 times)

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Offline Pat


Last week, my wife and I were touring in Washington State.  We found ourselves back down in Vancouver, getting some work done on her bike.  We were then faced with how to get from Vancouver back to the ACA route, outside Longview, where Coal Creek Road merges in with Washington Highway 4.  I had appealed for help, and many of you responded - thank you very much for your advice - I never felt more happy to have joined ACA - you are a wonderful support group!

The route we decided on was to take back roads paralleling I-5 from Vancouver up to Longview.  I used the GPSIES.COM website to map it out, from the Vancouver Library, and confirmed it with the Google Maps in WALK mode.  I was unable to load the route into my Garmin, so fell back on, of all things, writing down the turn-by-turn directions -- that is so yesterday.

We were pleased with the route, and there were a lot of twists and turns to keep us entertained.  Overall, except for one small section that was almost our undoing, everything was a remarkably easy ride.  The one section that was extremely difficult was between Woodand and Kalama.  The only choices seemed to be Green Mountain Road, or I-5.  At the time, I did not appreciate the climb (and lots of pushing) we did to traverse that four miles or so.  Only after the fact did I wonder if we would have been allowed to ride onto I-5 and take the easy way around.

QUESTION:  Does Washington State permit riding on I-5 at that point?




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Re: Going From Vancouver to Longview Washington - A Route Question
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2012, 04:10:19 pm »

Several short sections of I-5 are closed to bikes, but I cannot tell if they match your route. You will know the geography well enough, I am sure.


Offline adventurepdx

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Re: Going From Vancouver to Longview Washington - A Route Question
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2012, 05:15:11 pm »
We were pleased with the route...except for one small section that was almost our undoing, everything was a remarkably easy ride.  The one section that was extremely difficult was between Woodand and Kalama.  The only choices seemed to be Green Mountain Road, or I-5.  At the time, I did not appreciate the climb (and lots of pushing) we did to traverse that four miles or so.  Only after the fact did I wonder if we would have been allowed to ride onto I-5 and take the easy way around.

QUESTION:  Does Washington State permit riding on I-5 at that point?

Yes they do allow bikes. In that area the only sections of I-5 off limits to bikes is from the 205 junction south to the state line (and then also on the Oregon side until past Portland's southern suburbs) which is south of the section you are thinking, and then north of there for a few miles through central Olympia.

I toured through this area last month. Years ago I used Green Mountain Road and vowed never to do it again. I-5 is not thrilling but it is doable and goes by fasst.

Here's what my route looked like: