Author Topic: Lewis & Clark route  (Read 7062 times)

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Offline marshallmahan

Lewis & Clark route
« on: August 06, 2012, 05:26:25 pm »
Anybody out there tackled the Lewis & Clark bike route in the past couple of years? I am starting a Pierre to Portland trek following the ACA route and hoping to raise $ here in Asheville for the city public school system (go to www. or facebook "pedal w/ a purpose" for more details). The plan is to cover the roughly 2,000 miles from Aug. 30th to Sept. 30 and would welcome any insights/advice from those who have cycled some or all of the route. Thanks!

Marshall Siler
Asheville, NC

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Re: Lewis & Clark route
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2012, 11:46:58 pm »
Check out the "Temporary Route Closures" section of this forum for some updates, and the "Addenda" listings at . I rode the Yankton to Ft. Randall Dam section again this year (I ride it very year as part of a fund-raiser for reservation ministries, and my adopted trail section is near Marty, SD) and everything was in good shape, but that is south of where you're starting. Make sure you get the newest revision of the map for the Williston area; there has been a major re-route due to the oil boom and related heavy truck traffic in the area.

Then, "proceed on..."
2WX: The Two-Wheeled Explorer
"St. Louis to the Western Sea if nothing prevents."--John Ordway, Corps of Discovery

Offline malbec

Re: Lewis & Clark route
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2012, 04:09:38 pm »
Hi Marshall,

just returned from L & C (St. Louis MO to Havre MT).

What can I say? It all depends on the temperatures and the winds. There were days when I cursed it all and rather would have joined L & C in 1804, days when I loved it and thought, poor L & C didn't have bikes with them and far more often I just loved it). Might sound strange, but I did like the parts riding on the Interstate (rest areas every now and then and I could rest in the shade of overpasses). You are well advised to start in Pierre, no offence meant against Iowa and Nebraska, but sometimes cornfield right and cornfield left for miles and days and no shade is not so exciting.

Liked very much the city parks for camping, mostly with a swimming pool nearby (Pierre with nice swimming in the Missouri, Circle MT, Harlem MT and other places). A detour from Malta MT to Zortman in the Little Rocks is definetely worth while, Fort Peck wasn't so exciting (unless you are dam freak).

All in all, even with the heat (2 weeks with 100+ after noon) and the headwinds (ideal for loosing weight), with the landscapes (prairie in the Dakotas and endless skies in Montana and the ever so helpful and friendly people, it was a great experience that I wouldn't want to miss.

Oh yes, the Williston nightmare seems now to reach places like Dickinson MT (the campground doesn't allow tent camping any more and the cheapest motel I found charged 98 $, but nice breakfast buffet). So prepare for adversities (but the heat wave is over anyway), take your time, be patient with nature and yourself, watch the beetle that wants to cross the road.

Have a good trip.


Offline marshallmahan

Re: Lewis & Clark route
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2012, 02:52:20 pm »
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment Karl. Very helpful and will heed the advice. Check "Pedal w/ a Purpose" for updates on my progress if so inclined. Cheers,


Offline marshallmahan

Re: Lewis & Clark route
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2012, 02:56:39 pm »
Check out the "Temporary Route Closures" section of this forum for some updates, and the "Addenda" listings at . I rode the Yankton to Ft. Randall Dam section again this year (I ride it very year as part of a fund-raiser for reservation ministries, and my adopted trail section is near Marty, SD) and everything was in good shape, but that is south of where you're starting. Make sure you get the newest revision of the map for the Williston area; there has been a major re-route due to the oil boom and related heavy truck traffic in the area.

Then, "proceed on..."

Thanks for taking the time Hans and for the updated Maps advice. I do have the latest from ACA will steer clear of the oil trucks I hope. Cheers,


Hi Marshall,

just returned from L & C (St. Louis MO to Havre MT).

What can I say? It all depends on the temperatures and the winds. There were days when I cursed it all and rather would have joined L & C in 1804, days when I loved it and thought, poor L & C didn't have bikes with them and far more often I just loved it). Might sound strange, but I did like the parts riding on the Interstate (rest areas every now and then and I could rest in the shade of overpasses). You are well advised to start in Pierre, no offence meant against Iowa and Nebraska, but sometimes cornfield right and cornfield left for miles and days and no shade is not so exciting.

Liked very much the city parks for camping, mostly with a swimming pool nearby (Pierre with nice swimming in the Missouri, Circle MT, Harlem MT and other places). A detour from Malta MT to Zortman in the Little Rocks is definetely worth while, Fort Peck wasn't so exciting (unless you are dam freak).

All in all, even with the heat (2 weeks with 100+ after noon) and the headwinds (ideal for loosing weight), with the landscapes (prairie in the Dakotas and endless skies in Montana and the ever so helpful and friendly people, it was a great experience that I wouldn't want to miss.

Oh yes, the Williston nightmare seems now to reach places like Dickinson MT (the campground doesn't allow tent camping any more and the cheapest motel I found charged 98 $, but nice breakfast buffet). So prepare for adversities (but the heat wave is over anyway), take your time, be patient with nature and yourself, watch the beetle that wants to cross the road.

Have a good trip.
