Author Topic: Traveling transamerica trail next year, need advice!!!  (Read 7930 times)

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Offline bikeforhearthealth

Traveling transamerica trail next year, need advice!!!
« on: August 24, 2012, 11:30:26 am »
next summer, starting on June 8th, 2013, A friend and I are biking across the US following the  trans america trial. We will be riding to raise money for the American Heart Association. We are 17 and 18 year old high school students from rural Pennsylvania. Our event is called Bike For Heart Health. If you have any advice on how to raise money and get sponsors please feel free to contact me.


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Re: Traveling transamerica trail next year, need advice!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2012, 01:41:46 pm »
A good place to start is How to Cycle for Charity in the How To department,


Offline BikeFreak

Re: Traveling transamerica trail next year, need advice!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2012, 11:20:57 am »
If possible, to avoid the heat, strongly consider leaving 1 month earlier.


Offline DanE

Re: Traveling transamerica trail next year, need advice!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2012, 11:58:05 am »
I would think the departure date is based upon when high school finishes up for the year.

Offline staehpj1

Re: Traveling transamerica trail next year, need advice!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2012, 12:14:00 pm »
I would think the departure date is based upon when high school finishes up for the year.

That choice would depend on whether they are going E-W or W-E.  That is as early as I would plan on if going W-E.  McKenzie pass might be closed even then.  Granted they could use Santiam Pass, but it would be a shame to miss McKenzie IMO.

Earlier is good if going E-W and that is probably the best chance for comfortable temps missing the heat in the east and cold in the west.

W-E would have the advantage of getting air travel out of the way up front allowing a flexible finish date since they live in the East.  Riding toward home would also allow them to be met by friends and family at the end.  We did that and it was a big plus IMO.

Offline Bigtallfatbloke

Re: Traveling transamerica trail next year, need advice!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2012, 09:55:10 pm »
I'm just finishing the transam tomorrow in Yorktown. My it your own will all be good...Kansas was the toughest state for me in 110-115f no shade and headwinds.
Bug spray is more important than best spray. Bike shops are spread far and wide on the route and some are useless...pueblo, brecken ridge, west Yellowstone, Missoula were ok.
Rockies are long steady climbs mostly, Ozarks are short sharp rollercoasters, apallations/blue ridge are steep ...

People all along the route are used to seeing cyclists and are very helpful and freindly.

Dogs off the leash were an issue in Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois, and Virginia.

Navigation is easy with aca maps and or GPS files.

Finding fresh food along the wayvwad a problem..gas station food sucks mostly.

Traffic mostly friendly...just one issue in Colorado...otherwise all drivers courtious and bike aware ...except for the semi.drivers.

Lots if other stuff if you want.justmessage me

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