Author Topic: Overcoming butt pain  (Read 25242 times)

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Offline PeteJack

Re: Overcoming butt pain
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2012, 11:06:32 pm »
just as important is getting a professional bike fit from someone who really knows what they are doing


Offline MNRider

Re: Overcoming butt pain
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2012, 08:42:02 am »
I'm new to multi-day touring but have been riding 100+ mile single days for a while and my recommendations reflect some of what has already been said:

  • Get a good bike fitting from an experienced professional fitter, working at a bike shop for a few years does not qualify one as an expert fitter.
  • Find good cycling shorts that work for you. You can use traditional touring shorts, MTB shorts, or undergarment type shorts. Beware of overly padded shorts that feel like you are wearing a diaper. A chamois is intended primarily to reduce friction, not provide padding. A well designed thin chamois is better than a thick wad of padding.
  • Find a good saddle that works for you. Too often riders go to a new saddle as their first fix for crotch or butt discomfort. Avoid cushy, wide or gel padded "comfort" saddles which are usually only comfortable for short rides on cruisers. More expensive does not mean better and nobody else can tell you which saddle will work best for you. Test rides are of limited value as you have to break in and get used to any new saddle which can take several hundred miles. A test ride will point out glaring problems but won't tell you much about how the saddle will feel three days into a tour. Avoid the tempation to tweak saddle position or get a new saddle within a couple days of a tour.
  • Do a long distance ride of 60 miles or more on your touring bike with at least a partial load at least once a week for training purposes. This is good for both conditioning and to try out equipment, load distribution, etc. Fine tune everything possible before you leave for the tour. Inadequate training is #2 right behind poor bike fit in saddle discomfort.
  • Take a break off the bike every hour or so. While riding, stand up and pedal for 20 revolutions or so every 15-20 minutes. Changing grip positions, especially from the tops to the drops, can change saddle position enough to give aching spots a break.
  • Don't go crazy with chamois creams, if you use them at all. A thin coating on friction areas is all that is needed. More doesn't reduce friction any better. You don't need expensive creams either, many riders use petroleum jelly or cocoa butter with fine results. Store brand hemorrhoid creams can be used to reduce friction and decrease inflammation on saddle contact areas but don't use these if you have skin breakdown. A&D or other zinc oxide ointments can be used on inflammed skin but can stain clothing.
  • If it is hot and humid or raining don't ride for extended periods in wet shorts. Carry an extra pair of bike shorts and a towel in a ziplock bag and take a break to dry out and change before skin breakdown begins. It is better to lose a couple of hours drying out at a rest stop than to spend days of misery due to skin breakdown.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 08:55:10 am by MNRider »
Those who say it can't be done should stand aside for those who are doing it

Offline big blue cat

Re: Overcoming butt pain
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2012, 06:16:01 pm »
i have a brooks & i have ridden several thousand miles on it & i call it my lazyboy. like other people said there's a break in period. also you'll might have to make some adjustments.