Author Topic: Sierra Cascades Section 5 in March. Is it a dumb idea?  (Read 4205 times)

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Sierra Cascades Section 5 in March. Is it a dumb idea?
« on: October 20, 2012, 01:19:14 am »
So my wife in kids are going to Thailand for a month with my wife's parents for the entire month of March.  I'm thinking of doing a one week tour and was wondering if it was possible to do Section 5 of the Sierra Cascades route then (on a bike ... not cross country skis).  That section covers Lake Isabella to the Mexican border and passes over the Tehachapi Mountains, the San Grabriel Mountains and the San Bernadio mountains.  I'm not all that familiar with the weather at altitude in southern California.  The ride seems to top out at about 8500 feet above sea level.

Thoughts??  Anyone??  Buehler???