Author Topic: New Oregon 450 & Topo 100K  (Read 7814 times)

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Offline hamilgs

New Oregon 450 & Topo 100K
« on: December 11, 2012, 04:22:21 pm »
New Oregon 450 user here, and I’m still in basic learning mode. On the advice of a friend I purchased US Topo 100K, and have the portions I frequent (SE US) loaded. The friend also has SE US Topo 24K.  The 24K will route, turn by turn from A to B, but over the same route, 100K will not, the error message is “Route calculation error: Maps do not have routable roads in this area”.

Does that suggest that I can’t route using Topo 100K, or does that suggest “operator error” which is my usual problem. I had planned to buy City Navigator, but have not done so yet.

Note we each have the maps loaded on to a micro SD card, and we have been swapping cards to compare features of the map sets, and the 450 Vs Etrex Vista hcx.
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Offline mdxix

Re: New Oregon 450 & Topo 100K
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2012, 09:44:06 am »
Your experience is correct with the current map releases:
  • Topo 100k does not provide route calculation. See product feature that it "Contains roads, trails and highways in metropolitan and rural areas" without mention of the key word "routable". Meanwhile, I had posted earlier instructions for use of free Open Street Maps.
  • Topo 24k does provide route calculation. See example Southeast route from Garmin. It "Contains routable roads, trails and highways in metropolitan and rural areas".