Author Topic: Surly Troll  (Read 9251 times)

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Offline nalanpog

Surly Troll
« on: November 29, 2012, 11:57:37 am »
I just ordered a 2013 Surly Troll for use as an all-around touring bike.  Tentative plan is road-touring for a few months this spring until the Continental Divide trail melts out, then north to south as far as I can get before August.

I would appreciate words of wisdom on your experience with the Surly Troll.  Anyone having trouble with those strange rear dropouts?

Offline twalls

Re: Surly Troll
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2012, 03:49:07 pm »
I have a Troll, which I bought in early 2012.  I changed the tires to 1.5" Specialized Nimbus, and had the wheels upgraded to 36 spokes.  This last was probably overkill, but I won't have any problems with breaking spokes.  I also had the handlebars changed to a mtn bike style riser bar because the ones coming standard didn't strike me as too comfortable. 

It's a good all-rounder, seems to carry a load well.

The only consistent problem I have with it is that my left heel will occasionally hit the adjuster wheel on the rear brake, and tighten it,  so I have to stop and give the wheel 2 or 3 clicks counter-clockwise to loosen it. 

I was a little worried about getting the rear wheel off while fixing a flat, but a LBS guy told me to put the chain in big front, little rear, and that made it real easy. 

Hope this helps.

Offline nalanpog

Re: Surly Troll
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2012, 06:41:18 pm »
Thanks for the tips.  Do you have a rear fender installed?  I've wondered if a rear fender might interfere with removing the rear wheel as it must be backed out rather than dropped out.

Offline twalls

Re: Surly Troll
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2012, 10:19:53 am »
I do have a rear fender on, and it was no problem to remove the wheel. Here in NW Wa fenders are not optional.  I've only taken the wheel off once; I can't remember if I had to loosen the fender struts to get the wheel through, but it was not a big deal.
I wish Surly had put a kickstand plate on so I could put a double-legged stand on. It would make tire-removal easier.