Author Topic: Any Experience With Amtrak's Capitol Corrider Train?  (Read 4989 times)

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Offline jfitch

Any Experience With Amtrak's Capitol Corrider Train?
« on: January 08, 2013, 06:49:56 pm »
Has anyone ever taken a loaded touring bike onto the Amtrak Capitol Corrider train (between Auburn, CA and San Jose, CA). This is a commuter train. They allow unboxed bikes, but those bikes generally must be stowed in racks that stand the bike up on the rear wheel, which means the load would have to come off the bike (see Carry-on luggage is limited to 2 bags, 28” x 22” x 14” each, plus a purse, or something of that nature. 4 panniers would exceed this limitation. I was just wondering if anyone had any real world experience.


Offline aggie

Re: Any Experience With Amtrak's Capitol Corrider Train?
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2013, 07:03:01 pm »
Sometimes the train has a baggage car that looks like a passenger car.  I've been able to put my bike in there because it usually empty but it's not available with every train.  If you can take your panniers off easily (I'm assuming you are using panniers) the bike will fit in the rack and you can put the panniers in the luggage storage area.  If you can take as late a morning or early afternoon train as you can.  They tend to be less crowded.