Author Topic: Costs of Touring  (Read 17687 times)

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Re: Costs of Touring
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2013, 02:23:46 pm »
Breakfast at a local cafe or diner (say pancakes, some meat and coffee) is probably going to run me $7-8 dollars with a tip. Lunch probably $6-$7 dollars if I just get a sandwich, chips and a drink. I usually cook dinner, but if I don't, I count on least $12 with a tip for dinner not including drinks. Then there is the cost of snacks. That piece of pie or ice cream you cannot resist.

Don't forget the cost of Gatorade / orange juice / V8 or whatever your drink of choice is, and those snacks.  I'll often eat and drink my way through $2-5 of fluids and snacks a day.  Water is usually free, but I like to buy something if I get it from a convenience store just so they don't think (and I don't feel like) I'm a freeloader.

Definitely. I am sure I spend at least that much on snacks and beverages every day.

I am planning to ride to my high school reunion in June. Should take about 6 days. If I do, I will keep a daily account of everything I spend so I can have a feel for what it adds up to. Since it will be in the northeast, camping costs will likely skew the result to the high side (I might easily pay at least $30/night in some places), but I will track spending by categories.

Offline PeteJack

Re: Costs of Touring
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2013, 03:38:24 pm »
Bear in mind that at the end of a long day it is sooo easy to talk yourself into a night in a motel, particularly if it's raining.  I use a very rough rule of thumb for costs: a buck a mile. That means that for my NT trip this year I'm budgeting  $5500 +/- 500. Of course if you have a will of iron you can do it for less but I don't.

Offline staehpj1

Re: Costs of Touring
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2013, 05:55:09 pm »
Bear in mind that at the end of a long day it is sooo easy to talk yourself into a night in a motel, particularly if it's raining.  I use a very rough rule of thumb for costs: a buck a mile. That means that for my NT trip this year I'm budgeting  $5500 +/- 500. Of course if you have a will of iron you can do it for less but I don't.
Interesting...  I don't recall anyone using a per mile figure before.  It makes some sense though.

I don't think your numbers are unreasonable, but I also don't think it takes an iron will to go a lot cheaper.