Thanks for the advice on the fenders. I tend to not read instructions in detail but I did go over these and I believe it had me put on the plastic tabs that cover the stays first so then you had to cut the stays in order to get the fender to fit on the bike. I would re-write the instructions to install, then cut, then disassemble and put on the plastic cap assemblies, then insert the stays. I tend to be anal but I always have issues with instructions that aren't perfectly clear (at least to me).
I have the instructions (SKS P55 fenders) in my hand: the first thing it says is "Insert endcap (1) into fixed bridge, pass the stay (3) through the hole in bolt (2) and push into the endcap (1) tighten with nut (4) as shown in pic.A." So, with the endcap in place, you cannot adjust the stays! The last part of the instructions say "The protruding stay can either be cut off or fitted with an endcap." By virtue that they were placed in the endcaps during the very first part of the instructions, they do not protrude but then you can't find the correct adjustment so I just eye-balled them and cut. As I was cutting I was wondering why the stay on one side was a lot different than the stay on the other side. Ahhhh, my first clue that something was amiss!
Still thinking of not installing fenders but more posts are for than against so I will probably do it later...