Author Topic: Bad idea?  (Read 5903 times)

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Offline Justinwlkns

Bad idea?
« on: December 30, 2012, 09:41:43 pm »
Just got a Giant Defy 5 for christmas. I'd like to do a long tour this summer, and I realize that it's not an ideal bike for doing so (at least according to what I've read online), as it doesn't have places for panniers. That's fine with me though, because I'd like to travel as light and fast as possible.

All I'd like to have to carry is some standard repair equipment, a book, and snacks (Cash/card too, but that doesn't weigh anything significant). I'd plan to stay in hostels/motels most nights and only carry enough food to snack on between stops. The mentality here is speed/distance over comfort.

Has anyone done a long tour in this way? What are your thoughts?

Offline John Nelson

Re: Bad idea?
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2012, 10:01:39 pm »
This is typically called "credit-card touring." It's quite popular.

I note, however, that you said "most" nights. I assume that you won't be carrying any camping equipment, so this implies that you will be sleeping inside "all" nights.

Assuming you're planning to tour in some first-world country with a good support system, the only "repair equipment" you really need is enough stuff to fix a flat tire, which isn't much at all. Everything else can be handled with your thumb and/or a cell phone.

So all you really need is some clothes to put on each night, and some basic toiletries. You should be able to carry this easily in a standard seat-post rack. You can put your snacks and sunscreen in a handlebar bag. You can rinse out your riding clothes in the sink each evening.

Your low gear is 33 gear-inches, which is only suitable for the extremely light touring that you are planning.

Your plan is fine. Have fun!

P.S. The Giant web site for your bike is very odd. The picture shows a bike with 32 spokes front and rear, but the specs say that the bike has 24 and 28 spokes in the front and rear respectively.

Offline Justinwlkns

Re: Bad idea?
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2012, 10:15:54 pm »

I only said most nights (in hostel/motel) because I'm considering couch surfing some. Or, weather permitting, sleeping under the stars. But yes, I may very well end up staying all nights inside hostels and motels.

Mine has 24/28 spokes on the front/rear respectively.

Thank you. Sounds good to me.

Offline staehpj1

Re: Bad idea?
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2012, 10:51:11 am »
Has anyone done a long tour in this way? What are your thoughts?
Not exactly, but I rode from San Diego to Sarasota on a road bike with a 15 pound base gear weight.  I was cooking and camping but packing pretty light.  I thought it was a great way to travel.

Some links to info on my experiences with that:

Offline rcrampton

Re: Bad idea?
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2013, 11:54:49 pm »
Your bike is totally fine. Ride away. Like others said I wouldn't load it up with racks, panniers, and 75 lbs of gear, but for credit card touring it's a great bike! Enjoy!