Author Topic: Wanted: Dog Touring Items  (Read 5354 times)

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Offline JasmineReeseII

Wanted: Dog Touring Items
« on: February 20, 2013, 09:36:54 pm »
Hi, I am taking my dog with me in April. We need some items for her. She is 65 pounds, and about a 20 inches tall and a little over 24 inches long, not including tail. If you can sell for very cheap or even donate to our pup, that would be greatly appreciated:

1. Bike Tow Leash or Springer America
2. A water resistant blanket such as Tuffo brand with carrying case.
3. Water Proof Seal Line Bags for food.
4. Sleeping Bag for doggy.
5. Clothes and padded doggy shoes

Thank you!
Fiji and Jasmine Bike Across America = FiJaBAM