Author Topic: Grand Canyon  (Read 9033 times)

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Grand Canyon
« on: January 22, 2013, 02:51:42 pm »
Now, for some future ride, I'm looking at a ride that stops at the Grand Canyon.  I was just wondering about the campsites available in that area and whether or not I'll find an opening, should I arrive later in the day.

 :) Bill

Offline John Nelson

Re: Grand Canyon
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2013, 06:00:50 pm »
Summer or winter? Inside the national park or outside? North Rim or South Rim?

Mather Campground at Grand Canyon Village on the South Rim and the North Rim Campground both have hiker/biker sites. On the South Rim, you can use these from March 1 through mid-November. On the North Rim, the campground is only open mid-May through mid-October. During the winter on the South Rim, you must pay for a full site, but they are much easier to get (and it can be bitterly cold).

More information is available on the NPS web site.