Author Topic: Route suggestions from Newfoundland or Cape Breton area to Burlington, Vermont  (Read 4571 times)

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Offline dstromberg

I am considering a self contained tour starting about the second week of September starting in the Cape Breton or newfoundland areas and ending in Burlington, Vermont. I would appreciate any suggestions in route either staying along the St. Lawrence River mostly or going through Main, New Hampshire, Vermont. I'm not so interested in most direct but best scenery and road quality etc. Also I'd be happy to go with someone if interested. The past two falls I have completed two cross-country self contained tours and had a great time. The first tour with a group and the last alone.

Offline windrath

Howdy -

Although I have ridden from Cape Breton to Burlington, I have driven it.  I have rode the St. Lawrence Seaway from Lake Ontario to the Gaspe' and back around through Campbellton.

I would not ride the St. lawrence Seaway from east to west because prevailing winds are west to east at a good clip.  You will be pounding along into a 15-25 mph headwind.

I like the roads through Maine and then New Hampshire and Vermont are quite nice..

So, I would vote for the Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont.  The riding through Nova Scotia and New Brunswick will be nice if you can avoid the main highways as well.

Good Luck.

Offline dstromberg

thanks for the info

Offline geegee

Too bad the ferry from Yarmouth NS to Maine is no longer running, I would have suggested going along the south coast of Nova Scotia, which is probably the most picturesque coast in the Northeast. You can still do it and go around to Digby (or get there via the Annapolis Valley) and take the ferry to Saint John NB.

It has been a while since I've cycled the Fundy coast of  New Brunswick, before they 4-laned NB1, so I don't exactly know what's happening there. Seems like the secondary highway routes have been segmented, and I don't know if they will let you use short sections of the freeway to get from one to the other (I don't see any "no bikes" signs at the on-ramps on Google street view)

I personally found cycling in Maine a bit uninteresting, you rarely get a view of the ocean because the highway is inland among the trees, but the roads have good shoulders.

Offline dstromberg

Thanks, I appreciate your feedback.