Author Topic: Route recommendations Las Vegas/Phoenix/Sedona regions  (Read 3713 times)

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Offline RangerTom

Route recommendations Las Vegas/Phoenix/Sedona regions
« on: March 08, 2013, 01:38:07 pm »
Overnighter/Day Trip recommendations Vega/PhoenixSedona areas

Hello touring friends,

We're just heading out the door for a car trip to the Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Sedona areas. The touring tandem is going along; we hope to get in a some day rides and would entertain a single night overnighter if our time allows and the route looks good. We're probably looking at routes of not more than about 50 miles a day - subtract some miles if climbs get into the thousands of feet.
As we hadnt had a chance to search forums yet (hotel activity next couple of nights!), I thought some of you might have some interesting routes/destinations to share. (Had seen something in Forums a while back - maybe about Globe/Tucson).

We'd love to hear some of your recommendations on favorite routes .....

Thanks Tom and Diane

Offline BikeFreak

Re: Route recommendations Las Vegas/Phoenix/Sedona regions
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2013, 07:55:21 pm »
Last summer (2012) I biked the entire stretch of the "Grand Canyon Connector" in Arizona. Looking at the area you are interested in, I would highly recommend HWY 89 south of Prescott - very pretty and low traffic. Also consider HWY 89A going from Prescott to Jerome. Jerome is a very interesting town.
However, I have no idea if there is snow up there.