Author Topic: Will the 'Sequester' effect my tour this summer  (Read 4763 times)

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Offline habanero

Will the 'Sequester' effect my tour this summer
« on: March 16, 2013, 12:52:15 pm »
 I've been planning a tour starting in the middle of June beginning in Montrose, CO going north through the Tetons/Yellowstone NPs then up to Glacier NP then onto the Northern Tier west to Twisp, WA connecting to the Sierra/Cascades route south to Lake Tahoe and maybe down to Yosemite NP.  On C-SPAN, they said that many of the back roads would not be plowed and that services in the NPs would be cut back.  I could start later, if it would make a difference.

Offline mcparsons

Re: Will the 'Sequester' effect my tour this summer
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2013, 04:41:14 pm »
My first thought was, "Of course not." But then last time we went through this they paid park rangers overtime to turn people away from unmanned parks.  ::) I


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Re: Will the 'Sequester' effect my tour this summer
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2013, 09:54:20 am »
Part of the answer could depend on whose jurisdiction a particular road falls under. For example, SR 20 in WA is maintained by WADOT, not the federal government. And I have a hard time believing they won't plow GTS in Glacier as scheduled. The local economy would come close to collapse. In '09, the last time I was there, the road not being fully open in late June was big news in the local papers because of all the money local businesses were not making.

Offline johnsondasw

Re: Will the 'Sequester' effect my tour this summer
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2013, 07:31:27 pm »
The sequester may affect camping, though.  Check it out before you go.
May the wind be at your back!