Author Topic: Training: Schedule Critique Needed  (Read 19020 times)

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Offline Charlie Parker

Training: Schedule Critique Needed
« on: March 29, 2013, 09:52:22 pm »
Hey guys,

I planned my depature date for June 2st! Woot! So, I offically have two months for training. Can you guys look it over and give some advice/critique?

1) I plan on riding at least 20 miles a day at the gym on the exercise bikes.
2) On weekends, I'm going to get actual BIKE experience, doing at minimum a 60-mile day short tour.
3) In May, I'm going to a series of 60 mile bike trips with my gear (at least three).

Is that enough physical training? I know everyones different. I'm 22, 150 lbs, somewhat althetic... I expect myself to really get in shape once I start riding. But I just want to make sure I'm not being stupid. Am I heading in the right direction? Do you advise that I do more?

Thanks for any advice! And please be honest/rude/and blunt. It helps. 

Offline John Nelson

Re: Training: Schedule Critique Needed
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2013, 10:04:24 pm »
Get out of the gym ASAP. Get on the road now. Riding indoors is not the same.

How many miles of training you need depends on how many miles a day you plan to average on tour and whether you have enough time to ramp up after the tour starts.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 10:08:42 pm by John Nelson »

Offline csykes

Re: Training: Schedule Critique Needed
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2013, 11:10:27 pm »
Take a day off for recovery one a week if you have not been doing much riding before now.

Offline Westinghouse

Re: Training: Schedule Critique Needed
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2013, 04:00:08 am »
Do interval training.

Offline DaveB

Re: Training: Schedule Critique Needed
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2013, 09:26:20 am »
Get out of the gym ASAP. Get on the road now. Riding indoors is not the same.
+100.  You not only need physical conditioning, you need saddle time to get used to the bike itself.  Get those 20 mile days on the road, not in the gym.

Also, interval training is useful mostly for racers and other competitors.  It will help boost your conditioning but really isn't of much benefit to tourists.

Offline Pat Lamb

Re: Training: Schedule Critique Needed
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2013, 11:01:28 am »
Also, interval training is useful mostly for racers and other competitors.  It will help boost your conditioning but really isn't of much benefit to tourists.

While intervals can't replace saddle time for conditioning the butt, it helps in two areas.  As DaveB notes, it helps with general conditioning.  And it also seems to improve conditioning for what I'll call higher efforts.  These higher efforts can include hauling a heavier load that during your training rides, or climbing hills -- in other words the things that are different between just riding your bike and touring.

Offline Charlie Parker

Re: Training: Schedule Critique Needed
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2013, 04:15:25 pm »
No gym. Got it.  ;D

First I need a bike. How about this?

(used) 2008 Jamis Aurora.
Price: $595.00
Frame Size: 57cm
Wheel Size: 700c
Speeds: 27
Steel frame
Shop owner said its never been on a long tour.

Is this an adequate bike to use for a 30,000 mile tour? Even if yes, what concerns should I have?

Thanks guys! This is beyond helpful.

Offline RussSeaton

Re: Training: Schedule Critique Needed
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2013, 04:21:34 pm »
Ride Lots!  Too put it as simple as possible.  Your actual bike on the actual roads.  Not gym nonsense.  Thats OK when there is three feet of snow on the ground.  But spring is here and its time to ride outside.  Ideally you will do intervals and hill climbs and sustained efforts and recovery rides and such.  But the important part is to just ride lots.  Short rides, long rides, easy rides, hard rides.  Riding with your gear is probably good.  2-3 day overnight trips are also good.  Just ride.

Offline DaveB

Re: Training: Schedule Critique Needed
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2013, 06:15:58 pm »
No gym. Got it.  ;D

First I need a bike. How about this?

(used) 2008 Jamis Aurora.
Price: $595.00
Frame Size: 57cm
Wheel Size: 700c
Speeds: 27
Steel frame
Shop owner said its never been on a long tour.

Is this an adequate bike to use for a 30,000 mile tour? Even if yes, what concerns should I have?

Thanks guys! This is beyond helpful.
Is the gearing low enough?  What's the cassette and chainring range?  You are going to need LOW gears at some point and the bike better have them.   

Does it have eyelets to let you mount racks?  Rear racks are absolutely essential.  Front racks are useful to essential depending on how loaded you will be. 

Finally, and maybe most important, is it the correct size for you.  A 57 cm fame may be way too big, way too small or just right depending on your height, leg length, etc.

Offline driftlessregion

Re: Training: Schedule Critique Needed
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2013, 08:08:29 pm »
You're 22 years old. Enough said.

Offline csykes

Re: Training: Schedule Critique Needed
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2013, 08:36:38 pm »
The bike looks fine to me.  Young people's bodies are more forgiving than those of us over 50.  Looking at that bike it looks like you can drop the seat a bit if it's too high and raise the bars for a more comfortable riding position.  At that price, you can make a few component changes and still be below the cost of most new touring bikes. 

Offline DaveB

Re: Training: Schedule Critique Needed
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2013, 08:09:56 am »
The bike looks fine to me.  Young people's bodies are more forgiving than those of us over 50.
Perhaps but if he's 5'2" or 6'2" the bike just won't work.  No one's body is that forgiving. It's important that the frame size be fairly close to correct.

Offline Charlie Parker

Re: Training: Schedule Critique Needed
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2013, 09:54:45 am »
I'm 5'10''. It says I should be between 58-60''. Is that once inch a problem?  8)

Offline John Nelson

Re: Training: Schedule Critique Needed
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2013, 10:23:59 am »
I'm 5'10''. It says I should be between 58-60''. Is that once inch a problem?  8)
Probably not. You won't know until you take it out for a long test ride.

Offline csykes

Re: Training: Schedule Critique Needed
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2013, 11:42:31 am »
It's one centimeter difference which is less than half an inch.  Have the shop owner adjust it so you can ride it, and remember it will be long hours in the saddle which is different than a spin around the parking lot.